Build a python environment with ansible on centos6

Build a python environment with ansible on centos6

note) How to put ansible in your pyenv __ not __. __ How to create a pyenv environment from your ansible to another centos server __.

The default python environment for centos6 was 2.6, so I tried to put my favorite version with pyenv in ansible-playbook.

python It's a little annoying to put in the package yum required for build. There are some extras, though.

I tested it with vagrant, so user: vagrant You can rewrite the place as appropriate to a user with sudo authority and execute it.


- hosts: servers
  user: vagrant

    python_version: 2.7.6

  - name: install basic pkg
    yum: name={{item}} state=installed
    sudo: yes
    - vim
    - git
    - rsync

  - name: install build python package
    sudo: yes
    yum: name={{item}} state=installed
    - gcc
    - gcc-c++
    - patch
    - readline-devel
    - zlib-devel
    - openssl-devel
    ## for lxml
    - libxml2-devel
    - libxslt-devel
    ## for file copy
    - libselinux-python

  - name: install pyenv
      ## guard for only once.
      creates: ~/.pyenv
    shell: |
      git clone ~/.pyenv
      ## add pyenv env
          echo 'export PYENV_ROOT=~/.pyenv'
          echo 'export PATH=$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH'
          echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"'
      ) >> ~/.bashrc
      source ~/.bashrc
      # install python
      pyenv install {{python_version}}
      pyenv rehash
      pyenv global {{python_version}}

  - name: pip install pkgs
    pip: name={{item}}
    - flask
    - lxml
    - uwsgi

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