Play video with sound with python !! (tkinter / imageio)

1. Operation check environment

python3 (The operation on python2 is unconfirmed. Added on 2020/5/21) linux(debian 64bit) cpu: intel core i7

2. What you need to execute the code in this article

5/20 postscript:

pip3 install tkmedia

And ffmpeg can be installed by installing (5/30 postscript).

python module

tkinter (included with python, install python3-tk for linux imageio pillow pydub sounddevice numpy Also, some modules that come with python (All can be installed with "pip3 install [module name]".)

Other software


(Also, a PC with moderate performance (Company's Tetsuwan OOO and Sele OO starting with i are not recommended)

3. How to use the code in this article

Place the files as follows:


Run the following in the directory where directory "play_video" is located:

import tkinter

video = video.Video()
audio = audio.Audio()

root = tkinter.Tk()
root.frame = tkinter.Label(root)


Leave the license free. Feel free to edit, redistribute, use for commercial purposes, etc. (I don't know if anyone uses it) If possible, please let us know in the comments or email ([email protected]). Also, please check the license of the library and software you are using. However, the author does not take any responsibility, so thank you.

4. Audio playback

Use pydub and sounddevice (and numpy)

from . import sounddevice
import pydub
import time
import numpy

class Audio():
    def __init__(self):
    def openfile(self, filepath):
        if ".mp3" in filepath:
            self.segment = pydub.AudioSegment.from_file(filepath,codec="mp3")
        elif ".wav" in filepath:
            self.segment = pydub.AudioSegment.from_file(filepath,codec="wav")
        elif ".mp4" in filepath:
            self.segment = pydub.AudioSegment.from_file(filepath)
            self.segment = pydub.AudioSegment.from_file(filepath)
    def play(self, place=0):
        if self.segment.channels != 1:
            self.samples = numpy.array(self.segment.get_array_of_samples().tolist(),dtype="int16").reshape(-1,self.segment.channels)
            self.samples = numpy.array(self.segment.get_array_of_samples().tolist(),dtype='int16'),self.segment.frame_rate)
    def stop(self):

5. Video playback

Read it with imageio and display it in the frame of tkinter via PIL (that is multithreaded).

import tkinter
from tkinter import ttk
import imageio
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
import time
import threading
from imageio.plugins.ffmpeg import FfmpegFormat

class Video():
    def __init__(self):
        format = FfmpegFormat(
            "Many video formats and cameras (via ffmpeg)",
            ".mov .avi .mpg .mpeg .mp4 .mkv .wmv .webm",
        imageio.formats.add_format(format,True)#Make it compatible with webm.(Quite forcibly)
    def openfile(self, file_path,frame):
        self.frame = frame
   = imageio.get_reader(file_path)
        except imageio.core.fetching.NeedDownloadError:
   = imageio.get_reader(file_path)
    def play(self):
        self.video_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._stream)
    def stop(self):
    def _stream(self):
        sleeptime = 1/["fps"]
        frame_now = 0
        for image in
            frame_now = frame_now + 1
            if frame_now*sleeptime >= time.time()-start_time:
                frame_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromarray(image))
                self.frame.image = frame_image

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