Develop Windows apps with Python 3 + Tkinter (exe file)


In the previous article (, I used Tkinter to create a sample Windows application.

This time, you can use "PyInstaller" to convert a Python script into an exe file (executable file) and execute it even on Windows without a Python execution environment. To do so.


pip installation

First, pip may not work well with PyDev of Pleiades, so reinsert pip.

Download from the following URL in official pip documentation and save it in a suitable folder.

Start a command prompt and run in PyDev's python.

C:\pleiades\python\3\python.exe (Downloaded folder)\

If a message like Successfully installed pip- ~ ~ is displayed, the installation is successful.

Installing PyInstaller

Next, install "PyInstaller" in the PyDev environment.

Start Eclipse and open [Window]-> [Settings] from the menu.


Open [PyDev]-> [Interpreter]-> [Python Interpreter] in the left menu. Select "Python3" and click the [Manage with pip] button.


Enter "ʻinstall pyinstaller`" in "Command to execute" and click the [Execute] button. When "FINISHED" is displayed, click the [Close] button.


Python script exe

Now that you have PyInstaller installed, use it to exe your Python script.

Start a command prompt and run pyinstaller.exe. At this time, specify the Python script you want to exe in the argument.

Execution example

cd C:\pleiades\workspace\testproj1

C:\pleiades\python\3\Scripts\pyinstaller.exe C:\pleiades\workspace\testproj1\ --onefile --noconsole

If all goes well, an exe file will be created in the dist folder under the current directory of the command prompt (C: \ pleiades \ workspace \ testproj1 in the above example).


Double-click the generated exe file to execute it. The application starts after a while.


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