Use Windows 10 speech synthesis with Python

Port the VBScript code created in the following article and command it for easy use.

Please refer to the following article for how to create a video with this command.

Please refer to the following article for how to specify the pronunciation.


A list of audio supported by Windows 10.

Add if you want to use a language other than Japanese.

Install pywin32 with pip to use COM.

Library installation

py -m pip install pywin32


Get the available audio.

import win32com.client
cat  = win32com.client.Dispatch("SAPI.SpObjectTokenCategory")
cat.SetID(r"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech_OneCore\Voices", False)
for token in cat.EnumerateTokens():

Execution result

Microsoft Ayumi - Japanese (Japan)
Microsoft Naayf - Arabic (Saudi)
Microsoft Ivan - Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
Microsoft Herena - Catalan (Catalan)
Microsoft Jakub - Czech (Czech Republic)
(Omitted below)

This is an example of reading aloud by specifying the voice.

import win32com.client
sapi = win32com.client.Dispatch("SAPI.SpVoice")
cat  = win32com.client.Dispatch("SAPI.SpObjectTokenCategory")
cat.SetID(r"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech_OneCore\Voices", False)
v = [t for t in cat.EnumerateTokens() if t.GetAttribute("Name") == "Microsoft Sayaka"]
if v:
    oldv = sapi.Voice
    sapi.Voice = v[0]
    sapi.Speak("Hello World")
    sapi.Voice = oldv

** [Caution] ** </ font> Save the source in UTF-8.

This is an example of outputting audio to the file sayaka.wav.

import win32com.client
sapi = win32com.client.Dispatch("SAPI.SpVoice")
cat  = win32com.client.Dispatch("SAPI.SpObjectTokenCategory")
cat.SetID(r"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech_OneCore\Voices", False)
v = [t for t in cat.EnumerateTokens() if t.GetAttribute("Name") == "Microsoft Sayaka"]
if v:
    fs = win32com.client.Dispatch("SAPI.SpFileStream")
    fs.Open("sayaka.wav", 3)
    sapi.AudioOutputStream = fs
    oldv = sapi.Voice
    sapi.Voice = v[0]
    sapi.Speak("Hello World")
    sapi.Voice = oldv

Once you can use COM, the rest is normal Python.


Commanded to make it easier to read and save. You can also use it as a library if you refer to it from others.

Example of use

py -l
py -l ja en
py Hello, world
py -v sayaka -r 5 Hello, world
py -v sayaka -o sayaka.wav -i hello.txt
py -v zira -p "h eh - l ow 1"
py -v zira -s ipa "hɛ.ˈloʊ"


You cannot call COM from Python in WSL, but you can call Python on the Windows side from WSL.

Place somewhere visible to Windows. Write a simple wrapper like the following and place it wherever the path is in WSL and add the execute attribute.


py.exe 'C:\Script storage\' "$@"

You can now use it as if it were a WSL command.

Example of use

$ py -l de fr
de-AT, German (Austria): Microsoft Michael
de-CH, German (Switzerland): Microsoft Karsten
de-DE, German (Germany): Microsoft Hedda
de-DE, German (Germany): Microsoft Katja
de-DE, German (Germany): Microsoft Stefan
fr-CA, French (Canada): Microsoft Caroline
fr-CA, French (Canada): Microsoft Claude
fr-CA, French (Canada): Microsoft Nathalie(Canada)
fr-CH, French (Switzerland): Microsoft Guillaume
fr-FR, French (France): Microsoft Hortense
fr-FR, French (France): Microsoft Julie
fr-FR, French (France): Microsoft Paul
$ wintts -v julie bonjour
$ wintts -o de.wav -v hedda guten tag
$ winplay de.wav

The last call to winplay is the self-made script created in the following article.

Related Links

After writing this article, I saw some articles dealing with SAPI in Python, so I will add it.

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