Use subsonic API with python3

A memo that investigated how to use the subsonic API When using Basic authentication, note that you cannot use the method of authenticating after returning the 401 code from the server. I think it's okay to use u and p parameters because they aren't encrypted anyway, but what about?


import httplib2
import base64

httplib2.debuglevel = 1 #debug output ON
h = httplib2.Http('.cache') #Of the argument.cache is the cache storage directory

top_level_url = 'http://my_server/'
url = top_level_url + 'rest/ping.view?v=1.8.0&c=myapp'

user_id = 'id'
passwd = 'pw'

encoded = str(base64.b64encode(bytes(user_id + ':' + passwd ,'utf8')),'utf-8') #base64 conversion

_headers={'Authorization':'Basic '+ encoded} 
response, content = h.request(url,headers=_headers)

I also learned about httplib2.

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