Use cryptography library cryptography with Docker Python image

How to use the cryptographic library package cryptography from a Docker Python image. As of May 26, 2016.

What is pyca / cryptography?

pip install cryptography


FROM python:3-slim

RUN pip install cryptography

As of May 26, 2016, this doesn't work because the dependent module cffi is not provided with wheel.

DOs For Debian base.


FROM python:3-slim

RUN apt install python-cffi && pip install cryptography

If it is jessie, cffi 1.4.2 will be included.

Also, self-evidently, the Alpine base (e.g., python: 3-alpine) doesn't work with this.



RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev


Because the image size becomes large. However, there is an advantage that the latest cffi (cffi 1.6.0 as of May 26, 2016) can be used.


Let's have a comfortable cryptographic programming life.

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