Package python runtime and pypi library with chef / omnibus and Docker


It was once developed under the name omnibus-ruby to provide Ruby linetime and gem packages [^ 1] for various operating systems (?) Chef / omnibus. omnibus), but it feels like a cross-platform packaging creation framework that can be used [^ 2] regardless of language.

However, even if you google, there are few people who use omnibus itself and most of the examples are Ruby, but this time I had the opportunity to package the Python runtime and pypi library, so leave the information. I think this.

In addition, I referred to this very much in the implementation. Thank you very much.

Build environment preparation

This is also built in the Docker environment like the article introduced above, but this time as well. However, how to create a Docker image is a little different (more omission w)

First of all, the quickest way to create an omnibus build environment is to run the officially prepared omnibus cookbook.

omnibus Officially, it is introduced to build a build environment using kitchen-vagrant and kitchen-docker, but I want to do it on CircleCI, so kitchen -vagrant is NG, kitchen-docker is Docker's bad practice, so you can put ʻopensshto connect with SSH, create an extra user for SSH login, and do various extra things, so that Use the Test-Kitchen Driver calledkitchen-docker_cli`, which was created to avoid and use Docker natively as much as possible.

So, set it like this.

  name: docker_cli

  name: docker_cli

  name: chef_zero

  - name: centos-6.6
      image: centos:centos6.6
      - yum-epel::default
      - omnibus::default
      - omnibus-lamvery::yum_clean
  - name: ubuntu-14.04
      - apt::default
      - omnibus::default
      - omnibus-lamvery::apt_clean

  - name: default
        build_user:          root
        build_user_group:    root
        build_user_home:     /root
        install_dir:         /opt/lamvery

ʻOmnibus-lamvery :: yum_clean, ʻapt_clean is a recipe that is almost meaningless, just like ʻapt-get clean, yum clean all` to reduce the capacity even a little w

Now all you have to do is do the following:

bundle exec kitchen converge

Check with the baked Docker container and docker ps, and register it in Docker Hub.

docker commit <container-id> <username>/<image>
docker push <username>/<image>

Click here for the result

It's like doing a docker pull on CircleCI and running a build with docker run.

Build the package

Below, if you explain everything, there is no sharpness, so I will briefly describe it. Click here for the source to see the whole picture. Mount this with -v when starting the Docker container for build (docker run) and build it.

Python Unless you are particular about build options, a collection of recipes (?) For building various software called omnibus-software with omnibus. There is Python inside, so if you include it in the Gemfile and bundle you should be able to use it.


source ''

gem 'omnibus', github: 'chef/omnibus'
gem 'omnibus-software', github: 'opscode/omnibus-software'

This time I wanted to change the options, so I defined it at hand. As a precaution when specifying options, although it is not unique to Python, omnibus is a framework for creating a full stack package that is completed by itself, so it is NG if it depends on system global libraries. By the way, the check runs at the end of the build, so it ends with an error. In Python, specifying a configure option like --with-system-ffi will result in NG.

PyPi + library

This is easy. First, install pip using Python provided by the package as shown below.


name "pypi"

build do
  command "curl -kL | #{install_dir}/embedded/bin/python"
  command "ln -fs #{install_dir}/embedded/bin/pip #{install_dir}/bin/pip"

Then all you have to do is install the library with the resulting pip command.


name "lamvery"

build do
  command "#{install_dir}/embedded/bin/pip install lamvery==#{version}"
  command "ln -fs #{install_dir}/embedded/bin/lamvery #{install_dir}/bin/lamvery"

By the way, you can get the latest version of the library provided at that time as follows.

require 'rexml/document'
require 'open-uri'

doc ='').read)
p doc.elements['rdf:RDF/Project/release/Version/revision'].text #=> "0.14.0"

Distribution of deliverables

This time, I uploaded it to Bintray. In the example I referred to, I used the CLI client made by Go, but I tried hitting the REST API directly. Bintray's REST API is simple and nice. The response code was strange and I was a little addicted to it. .. .. I couldn't find a gem that would be nice to use in the future, so it might be a good idea to make one.

For reference, the code of the rough rake task uploaded to Bintray looks like this.


If you try to do something around here, there is a good chance that sawanoboly will do it first and it will be saved (repost)

[^ 1]: rpm, deb, etc. It seems that you can also make pkg for Mac and msi for Win (I only do rpm and deb) [^ 2]: Rather, it is OK even if the language is not included

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