Easy Slackbot with Docker and Errbot


Run chatbot with Docker in local environment I tried to interact with Slack.

I was worried about Hubot made by GitHub and Lita made by Ruby. It was troublesome to read CoffeeScript and prepare for Redis. I chose Errbot, which is written in Python and seems to be the simplest. I don't think there is a big difference in the feeling of a quick survey.


There is no problem in any environment where Docker containers work. I'm building it on my local PC using Docker for Mac.

If you want to create a Slackbot, you need to prepare your team in advance.


Build a Docker container

Build a container that runs Python version 3.3 and above. To save labor, I used Alpine Linux with Python.

FROM python:3.5.2-alpine

#apk update
RUN apk update

#Installation of packages required to install Errbot
RUN apk add gcc g++ libffi-dev openssl-dev

#Install the packages required for development as you like
RUN apk add vim bash

Enter the following in the directory containing Dockerfile to start the container.

Start container

#Generate an image from a Dockerfile with the name bot
$ docker build -t bot .

#Launch the bot image and/bin/run sh
$ docker run -it bot /bin/sh

Introduction of Errbot

Use pip to install the required packages. ʻSlack client is required for communication between the main body of ʻerrbot and Slack.

Package installation

$ pip install errbot slackclient

When you're done, check to see if you've successfully installed. It depends on a good number of packages ...

Check the package

$ pip freeze

After successful installation, try running First run. Initialize the project directory with the following command.

Project initialization

$ mkdir ~/errbot-root
$ cd ~/errbot-root
$ errbot --init

Several files have been created to configure and run the bot. Let's start ʻerrboton the console immediately. When you see>>>, try typing ! Tryme`. You should get a response from the bot.

Run on console

$ errbot
>>> !tryme
It works !

Apparently, Errbot prefixes the instructions to the bot with !.

Preparing a bot account

Open the here page and select'Make a Custom Integration'.


Select Create Bots.


Enter a name for your bot account and click'Add bot integration'.


The API Token will be displayed on the transition destination screen, so make a note of it.


This completes the bot account creation. You should be able to find the account you created in the'DIRECT MESSAGES'field.


Rewriting the configuration file

Rewrite the config.py created by ʻerrbot --init`. There are three main changes. There is no problem with other items as they are.


#Fixed BACKEND from Text to Slack
BACKEND = 'Slack'

#Enter the API Token mentioned above
    'token': 'xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

#Enter the account name of the user you want to be admin in the form of a tuple (s)
BOT_ADMINS = ('@nanakenashi')

The token is written in solid form for explanation. When managing the source with GitHub etc., embed it in the environment variable I think it is desirable to read it with ʻos.getenv ('HOGE')`.

After saving, start Errbot again. This time I will add a daemon option.

Launch Errbot

$ errbot --daemon

Operation check

Talk to ! Tryme,! Help, ! About, etc. on Slack. It should work as it does on the console. We recommend that you change the icon of your bot account to something that you can love.



Although it was quite a trial content You can now talk to Slack bots.

Because the true value of chatbot is flexible movement to instructions Next, I would like to touch on that part (plug-in).

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