Easy X-Ray with Lambda Layer and CloudFormation / sam-cli


This article Lambda Layer and X \ -Ray -Qiita shows how to incorporate X-Ray with Lambda Layer. When deploying multiple lambdas, it is quite nice because it can be attached and detached in one shot without incorporating X-Ray individually.

It feels pretty good, but I was wondering if it could be converted to CloudFormation because it would be a hassle to hit a few commands. [Lambda Layers can now be built with AWS SAM CLI. I found the article .com / hayao_k / items / f8c7ad5e35e29d590957).

So, if you grab the contents of the two articles, it will be like this

** Easy to make X-Ray LambdaLayer with CloudFormation! **

It is an article called.

X-Ray is a tracing tool that can be used with AWS Lambda. By using X-Ray, "Which part of Lambda is taking time?" "Which resource (DynamoDB, S3, etc) call is taking time?" Is as shown in the figure below. You will be able to check.



(Figure source: AWS X \ -Ray Console: -AWS X \ -Ray)

X-Ray Lambda Layer Template Definition

In addition to template.yaml, you only need ** xray-layer-src / requirements.txt **.



AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: CloufFormation Template X-Ray lambda layer sample

  # X-Ray's Lambda Layer definition
    Type: AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion
      Description: Lambda Layer for XRay
      ContentUri: xray-layer-src
        - python3.8  #Specify the Python runtime you are using here
      BuildMethod: python3.8  # sam-Must be specified at build time with cli

  #Example of lambda definition using XRayLayer
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: lambda/src/
      Handler: lambda_handler.lambda_handler
      Runtime: python3.8
      Tracing: Active
        - !Ref XRayLayer  #Reference of the created Layer




It is OK to specify only aws-xray-sdk here in the specification of the library to be included in Lambda Layer.

You can now create an X-Ray Lambda Layer resource. Deployment is the same as using regular sam.

sam build
sam deploy

Lambda example using X-Ray

The source code that uses X-Ray is as follows, for example.


import ...

#Import the XRay SDK. Must be imported last as in the official documentation
from aws_xray_sdk.core import patch_all

#Collectively in related libraries such as boto3 X-Apply Ray patch

def lambda_handler(event, context):

Reference link

-Lambda Layer and X \ -Ray -Qiita (repost) -Lambda Layers can now be built with AWS SAM CLI -Qiita (Repost)

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