Easy introduction to home hack with Raspberry Pi and discord.py

00 Introduction

This is a continuation of Adcare article. I wondered if I could do something with ** RaspberryPi ** + ** discord.py **. The Raspberry Pi Blynk remote control I made earlier died due to a malfunction on the Raspberry Pi side (probably an SD card), so I thought I should take this opportunity.

01 What to prepare

Basic parts are available at Akizuki Denshi. (Soldering irons, breadboards, and jumper wires are on the premise)

Item price(Circle)
RaspberryPiZeroW(Single unit) 1,320
Infrared remote control receiver module OSRB38C9AA (2 pieces) 100
Infrared LED OSI5FU5111C-40 (5 pieces) 100
Carbon resistance (carbon film resistance) 1 / 4W 1kΩ (100 pieces) 100
Carbon resistance (carbon film resistance) 1 / 4W 10Ω (100 pieces) 100
Transistor 2SC2120-Y (20 pieces) 110
Perseverance Market price

02 Learn infrared rays from the remote control

First, in order to receive infrared rays, connect the receiving modules as shown in this table.

Raspberry Pi side Module side(The receiving part is facing you)
GPIO for input left
GND Central
3.3V right

I tried Lirc for infrared exchange, but the environment in my room was bad and I could not set it well, so I use WiringPi.

This article was helpful. Scan and send infrared remote control signals using GPIO of Raspberry Pi

03 Make an infrared transmitter module

スクリーンショット 2020-06-12 2.38.28.png I made it as above. For the GPIO pin for transmission, select ** the pin number corresponding to PWM **.

04 Run with discord.py

Maintenance is easier if you let it be executed indirectly by a shell script. Execution from the python side uses ** subprocess **.


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import subprocess
from subprocess import PIPE

# DiscordToken
TOKEN = 'Your Token'

#Generate the objects needed for the connection
client = discord.Client()

#Processing that operates at startup
async def on_ready():
    #When started, a login notification will be displayed in the terminal

#Processing that operates when receiving a message
async def on_message(message):
    #Ignore if the message sender is a bot
    if message.author.bot:

    #Lighting switch
    if message.content == 'on light':
        #User selection
        if (str)(message.author) == me_id:
            #ON command
            subprocess.run("[ABSOLUTE PATH]/lightOn.sh",shell=True, text=True)
            await message.channel.send('I set the lighting to ON'+rasp)
        else: #When a user other than yourself tries to operate
            await message.channel.send(f'{message.author.mention}No command right')

#Launching a bot and connecting to a Discord server

05 Make it resident with systemctl

Under / etc / systemd / system /,


Description=Discord Bot Service

ExecStart=Absolute path of python file



raspberryPi$ sudo systemctl enable discordBot.service #activation
raspberryPi$ sudo systemctl start discordBot.service #start

To execute.

The bot is now resident.

When an error occurs ・ When the bot does not start

At the terminal

raspberryPi$ sudo systemctl status discordBot.service

You can check the log by executing, so let's deal with the error.

06 Results

If all goes well, you can control the room lighting with the commands you specify from the Discord talk screen. I also set up an air conditioner. Also, for the bot name, I played with my favorite character name.

スクリーンショット 2020-06-12 1.28.10.png

very good. (good)

For the time being, the source code is here (jumps to github)

It seems that discord.py has a convenient framework, so I wanted to use it, but I used it because there was a similar bot source code before.

07 Reference link

Scan and send infrared remote control signals using GPIO of Raspberry Pi schemeit discord.py Document TV Anime The Idolmaster Official

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