Easy to use Nifty Cloud API with botocore and python

This article is the 12th day article of NIFTY Advent Calendar 2016.

Yesterday was an article by @ alice02 A story about a Ruby study session among new employees. I was happy that my name came out a little.

I'm @umiiiiins, an apprentice engineer for the first year of Nifty graduates. Recently I was assigned to a department and had the opportunity to hit the Nifty Cloud API, so I would like to talk about hitting the very basic Nifty Cloud API easily with python.

Nifty Cloud API

Nifty Cloud provides various functions as API. There are 1 to 4 signature versions required to send a request, and the available signatures vary depending on the service. This time, we will use the Nifty Cloud Script API and signature version 4 as an example.

What is botocore

A low-level interface for AWS, currently used in the AWS CLI and boto3. Since the Nifty Cloud API signature is generated in the same way as AWS, you can use botocore. If you are interested, please check the source code in the botocore repository.


Install Python (I'm using 3.5.2 this time) Perform Quick Start Of Nifty Cloud Script. Register the access key and secret key obtained from the red frame part of the image as ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in the environment variables. [Control panel]Capture.JPG

Now I want to run the script.

Actually try

First, set the required request URL, header, and parameters by referring to Script API Reference.


url = "https://script.api.cloud.nifty.com/2015-09-01" 
headers = {
    'X-Amz-Target': '2015-09-01.ExecuteScript',
params = {
    'ScriptIdentifier': 'test.js',
    'Method': 'GET',
    'Header': '{}',
    'Body': '{}',
    'Query': '{"name":"Umino"}',

Next, use botocore to generate and request signatures. At this time, make sure that the method of the argument of AWSRequest is correct.


credentials = Credentials(os.environ["ACCESS_KEY_ID"],os.environ["SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"])
request = AWSRequest(method="POST",url=url,data=params,headers=headers)
SigV4Auth(credentials, "ExecuteScript",'east-1').add_auth(request)
response = BotocoreHTTPSession().send(request.prepare())

Import what you need and hit the above program ...

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

It was successful and the results were returned. Please refer to the script at here.

A little commentary

This time, Signature is generated by various methods called in addAuth of SigV4Auth class. In addition to SigV4Auth, there are AigV2Auth that generates signature version 2, so you can easily generate usage signatures with the Nifty Cloud API by using these. If you try to compare the inside of the header before and after executing SigV4Auth, you can see that Authorization is added after execution.

Before signature generation

 'X-Amz-Target': '2015-09-01.ExecuteScript',

After signature generation

 'X-Amz-Target': '2015-09-01.ExecuteScript',
 'X-Amz-Date': '20161211T090451Z',
 'Authorization': 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 

Also, when I try to execute DescribeInstances of the server using SigV2Auth, the generated signature is added to the parameter after execution.

Before signature generation

 'Action': 'DescribeInstances', 'SignatureVersion': '2', 
 'Timestamp': '2016-12-11T18:28:03Z', 'SignatureMethod': 'HmacSHA256'

After signature generation

 'Action': 'DescribeInstances', 'SignatureVersion': '2', 
 'Timestamp': '2016-12-11T09:28:03Z', 'SignatureMethod': 'HmacSHA256',
 'Signature': 'FydxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxqRc='


This time, as an example of using botocore, I gave a script that may be rarely hit from python, but of course it can also be used for services other than scripts. When it comes to signature version 4, it is quite difficult to implement it by yourself, so please refer to it if you have trouble using the Nifty Cloud API from python.

Tomorrow is "Managing Ansible configuration information in Graph DB" by @ntoofu!

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