Use Google Cloud Vision API from Python


As a memorandum because I forget how to do it a little.

Things necessary

This time, I will use this for the image I want to analyze. fujisan.png


Issuance of service account key

First, issue a service account key at here.

This time, I will download it in JSON format. This file gives you access to resources in the cloud, so keep it tightly managed.

Python code

#Various imports
import io 
import os
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson
import json
from import vision
from import types

#This work directory
base_dir = r'path\to\directory'

#File name of the JSON file from earlier
credential_path = base_dir + r'File name of the JSON file from earlier.json'

#Pass the path to the service account key
os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = credential_path

#vision client initialization
client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()

#File name of the target image
file_name = base_dir + r"\fujisan.png "

#Load image
with, 'rb') as image_file:
    content =
image = types.Image(content=content)

#See here for the actual method name

#For example, for label detection
response = client.label_detection(image=image)

#View results


label_annotations {
  mid: "/m/015kp7"
  description: "Stratovolcano"
  score: 0.7824147939682007
  topicality: 0.7824147939682007
label_annotations {
  mid: "/m/07j7r"
  description: "Tree"
  score: 0.6869218349456787
  topicality: 0.6869218349456787
label_annotations {
  mid: "/g/11jwzh3_l"
  description: "Volcanic landform"
  score: 0.5413353443145752
  topicality: 0.5413353443145752

It's called "Volcanic Landform"!

Also try safe_search

# ~Abbreviation~
response = client.safe_search_detection(image=image)

It's a really safe image!

safe_search_annotation {
  medical: VERY_UNLIKELY
  violence: VERY_UNLIKELY

that's all!

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