Read and use Python files from Python


I'm Nagi Goishi, who recently works in Python and scikit-learn. Personally, I'm more of a Ruby fan than Python, but I like the one I'm introducing here in the Python specification.

import Python beginners like me have a strong image of ʻimport loading the library. However, you can use ʻimport to load classes and methods written in other files.

If the file you want to read is in the same directory

class Helper:
  def some_help():
    #Algorithms that help

from helper import Helper


If the file you want to read is in a different directory

- helpers

In cases like

from helpers.helper import Helper


from helpers import helper
from helper import Helper

When the file you want to read wants to read another file

- helpers

If you want to use the BaseHelper class of in with a structure like

from helpers.base_helper import BaseHelper
# from helpers import base_helper
# from base_helper import BaseHelper
#I don't know why, but I couldn't. Please tell me who understands.

from helpers.helper import Helper

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