2015/06/17 The required package was incorrect, so I fixed it. 2016/05/05 Added about libjpeg-devel
Windows7+cygwin Prepare Python 2.7 and Python 3.4 environment with virtualenv
I put freetype2 and made a symbolic link of the directory. It seems that this method can be used whether you put PIL in Python 2.7 or Pillow in Python 3.4.
#Put the required packages
apt-cyg install libfreetype6
apt-cyg install libfreetype-devel
#Make freetype2 look like freetype with a symbolic link
ln -s /usr/include/freetype2 /usr/include/freetype
After this, if Python 2.7
#Insert PIL
easy_install PIL
With Python 3.4
#Put a pillow
easy_install pillow
It's unclear what the negative effects of making freetype2 look like freetype. It worked for the time being. Is it okay to delete the symbolic link after adding PIL and pillow?
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