Include and use external Kv files in Python Kivy


I tried to test a basic application that imports an external Kv file using Include.



--Includes Kv files saved in a folder one level below --Redefine the properties in the external Kv file as RootWidget properties --Associate the method in RootWidget with the on_press property in the external Kv file

File placement

|-- test.kv
`-- gui/
    `-- tab_test.kv

The code is as follows.

from import App
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from import ObjectProperty

class RootWidget(BoxLayout):
    #Button defined in the Kv file_Define include Widget in Python file
    button_include = ObjectProperty()  
    def print_obj(self, obj):
    def check_button_include(self):
        print(self.button_include)  #Access widget classes in external Kv files from within a Python file

class TestApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return RootWidget()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Kv file containing Root Widget


#:include gui/tab_test.kv  #Import an external Kv file

    # button_Define include as a property of RootWidget
    button_include: tab_button_include.button_include

        do_default_tab: False
            text: 'Tab1'
                    text: 'button 1'
                    on_press: root.print_obj(self)
                    text: 'button 2'
                    on_press: root.check_button_include()
            text: 'Tab2'
            ButtonInclude:  #Use the widget class defined in the external Kv file
                id: tab_button_include  #Assign id to the defined widget class

External Kv file


    button_include: button_include

    id: button_include
    text: 'button include'
    on_press: app.root.print_obj(self)  # "app.root.method"Execute the RootWidget method from within the external Kv file with

Execution result

kivy_test_include_tab1.png kivy_test_include_tab2.png

Operation result of each button

Button1          ->   <kivy.uix.button.Button object at 0x000001E0A8DE18D0>
Button2          ->   <kivy.factory.ButtonInclude object at 0x000001E0A8DE1A08>
Button include   ->   <kivy.factory.ButtonInclude object at 0x000001E0A8DE1A08>


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