Get data from analytics API with Google API Client for python


Sample class

class GoogleAnalyticsUtility(object):
    SCOPES = ['']
    DISCOVERY_URI = ('$discovery/rest')
    VIEW_ID = 'xxxx'

    def __init__(self, target_date):
        self.target_date = target_date

    def get_report(self):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        flags = parser.parse_args(['--noauth_local_webserver'])
        CLIENT_SECRETS_PATH = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, '../etc/googleapi/client_id.json')
        flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets(
                CLIENT_SECRETS_PATH, scope=self.SCOPES,

        storage = file.Storage(os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, '../etc/googleapi/analyticsreporting.dat'))
        credentials = storage.get()
        if credentials is None or credentials.invalid:
            credentials = tools.run_flow(flow, storage, flags)
        http = credentials.authorize(http=httplib2.Http())
        analytics = build('analytics', 'v4', http=http, discoveryServiceUrl=self.DISCOVERY_URI)
        reports = analytics.reports()
        return reports.batchGet(
                    'reportRequests': [
                            'viewId': self.VIEW_ID,
                            'dateRanges': [{'startDate': self.target_date, 'endDate': 'today'}],
                            "dimensions": [
                                    "name": "ga:productSku",  #The product code of the item sold.
                            'metrics': [
                                {'expression': 'ga:itemQuantity'}  #The number of items sold in an e-commerce transaction.
                            'pageSize': 50000,
                            'pageToken': "nextpage",
                                    {"fieldName": "ga:itemQuantity", "sortOrder": "DESCENDING"},

target_date = - timedelta(days=7)
ga = GoogleAnalyticsUtility(target_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))

If you hit it on the command line, a link will be displayed, so copy and paste it into your browser to complete the authentication.

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