Get time series data from in Python

** Although it is k-db, the service will end on December 31, 2017. ** **


I wrote a class to get time series data of domestic futures, indexes, individual stocks and market statistics from k-db. With pandas_datareader, you can only get data on US stocks. sawadyrr5 / PyKDB: Data acquisition script from k-db

Change log

2016/5/12 Added support for updating the site configuration of Classified by futures, indexes, individual stocks and statistics. Organized internal processing.

how to use

First instantiate.


from PyKDB import Futures, Indices, Stocks, Statistics

myFutures = Futures() #For futures data acquisition
myIndices = Indices() #For exponential data acquisition
myStocks = Stocks() #For individual stock data acquisition
myStatistics = Statistics() #For statistical data acquisition

Futures class



#Returns a list of stock codes

# {Stock code:Brand name}Returns a dictionary of

# {Stock code:Contract month}Returns a dictionary of


Acquisition of time series data of designated stocks


Futures.price(date_from, date_to, symbol, freq)

date_from, date_to Specify the period (datetime type) symbol Specify the brand code Specify freq frequency ('1d', '4h', '1h', '30m', '15m', '5m')

Acquisition of time series data for all stocks


Futures.price_all(date_from, date_to, session)

date_from, date_to Specify the period (datetime type) session Specify session (None = all,'e' = night) If omitted, all

Indices class



#Returns a list of stock codes

# {Stock code:Brand name}Returns a dictionary of


Acquisition of time series data of designated stocks


Indices.price(date_from, date_to, symbol, freq)

date_from, date_to Specify the period (datetime type) symbol Specify the brand code Specify freq frequency ('1d', '4h', '1h', '30m', '15m', '5m')

Acquisition of time series data for all stocks


Indices.price_all(date_from, date_to, session)

date_from, date_to Specify the period (datetime type) session Specify session (None = all,'a' = front,'b' = back) If omitted, all

Stocks class



#Returns a list of stock codes

# {Stock code:Brand name}Returns a dictionary of


Acquisition of time series data of designated stocks


Stocks.price(date_from, date_to, symbol, freq)

date_from, date_to Specify period (datetime.datetime type) symbol Specify the brand code Specify freq frequency ('1d', '4h', '1h', '30m', '15m', '5m')

Acquisition of time series data for all stocks


Stocks.price_all(date_from, date_to, session)

date_from, date_to Specify period (datetime.datetime type) session Specify session (None = all,'a' = front,'b' = back) If omitted, all

Statistics class



#Returns a list of stock codes

# {Stock code:Brand name}Returns a dictionary of


Acquisition of time series data of designated stocks


Statistics.price(date_from, date_to, symbol, freq)

date_from, date_to Specify period (datetime.datetime type) symbol Specify the brand code Specify freq frequency ('1d')

Acquisition of time series data for all stocks


Statistics.price_all(date_from, date_to, session)

date_from, date_to Specify period (datetime.datetime type) session Specify session (None = all) If omitted, all

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