Convert date timezone (time difference) in Python (from string)

It's a memorandum because I was unexpectedly addicted to the pot. It seems to be easier, but once this is done.

What I want to do → I want to change the date (standard time) of the character string to Japan time

#This is all you need to import
import datetime

#Original date (standard time)
hiduke = '25/Aug/2020 11:01:52'

#1.Convert to date type
hiduke = datetime.datetime.strptime(hiduke, '%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S')

#2.Give time zone information (UTC here)
hiduke = hiduke.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

#3.Convert time zone to Japan time
(+9 hours)
hiduke = hiduke.astimezone(datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=+9)))

#4.Erase timezone notation
hiduke = hiduke.replace(tzinfo=None)

1. Convert to date type

--strrptime = String (to be) Replace (ed by) Time seems to be connected. --In the argument, specify the date (character string) you want to convert and the notation that the date is written. --% d = day --% b = month (Aug). Abbreviation for the name of the month. In the case of a number month,% m, in the case of August,% B --% Y = year --If it is 2020-08-26, it is written as % Y-% m-% d. --A list of notations can be found here. Convert dates, times and strings with Python datetime (strftime, strptime)

2. Give time zone information (UTC here)

tzinfo = timezone info.

3. Set the time zone to Japan time

Japan time is standard time + 9 hours. It becomes hours = + 9. The actual notation is datetime.timedelta (hours = + 9)

4. Erase the time zone notation

If you leave it as ③, +09: 00 (time zone notation) will be attached after the date, so you can delete it by setting tzinfo = None. With this, 25 / Aug / 2020 11:01:52 becomes 2020-08-25 20:01:52.


Set / Get / Convert / Delete timezone with Python, datetime, pytz

Convert string <-> date (datetime) in Python

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