[Note] Get data from PostgreSQL with Python

It is troublesome to check it every time, so I will write it down.

import psycopg2

#Change arbitrarily
postgre_user_name = "user_name"
postgre_user_password = "user_password"
postgre_server = "server"
postgre_server_port = "server_port"
postgre_database_name = "database_name"
postgre_table_name = "table_name"

conn = psycopg2.connect("postgresql://"
                        + postgre_user_name
                        + ":" 
                        + postgre_user_password
                        + "@"
                        + postgre_server
                        + ":"
                        + postgre_server_port 
                        + "/" 
                        + postgre_database_name)
cur = conn.cursor()
sql_sentence = "select count(*) from " + postgre_table_name + ";"

The connection destination is converted as follows


The sql statement is converted as follows.

select count(*) from table_name;

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