Get the weather with Python requests 2

I want to implement the weather acquisition of the user-specified prefecture and region described in the summary of the previous ** Get weather with Python requests ** I made it because I thought.

  1. [About BeatifulSoup](About #BeatifulSoup)
  2. [Last source](#Last source)
  3. [Processing part source](# Processing part source)
  4. [Source explanation of processing part](# Source explanation of processing part)
  5. [Source of execution part](# Source of execution part)
  6. Summary

About Beautiful Soup

--Python web scraping library that retrieves and parses data from HTML and XML files. --You can install by typing `` `pip install beautifulsoup4``` at the command prompt.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

#Get the linked HTML source
html = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, "html.parser")

#Get the first title tag and output each tag

#Get the first title tag and output only the element

Last source

Format the previous source for this source.

Before plastic surgery

import requests
#from bs4 import Add Beautiful Soup

class GetWeather:
    url = ""
    #Added URL of national location definition table (RSS) for weather service(Web scraping destination)

    def getWeather(self, citycode): #Remove the argument citycode
        query_params = {"city": citycode} #Variable citycode as a class variable = requests.get(self.url, params = query_params).json()

    def showWeather(self):
        print(["location"]["city"], "The weather is")
        for weather in['forecasts']:
            print(weather["dateLabel"] + "Weather:" + weather["telop"])

citycode = 260010 #Delete
#Deleted below
w = GetWeather()

After plastic surgery

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #add to

class GetWeather:
    url = ""
    source = ""

    #Add source here

    def getWeather(self): #Remove the argument citycode
        query_params = {"city": self.citycode} #Variable citycode as an instance variable = requests.get(self.url, params = query_params).json()

    def showWeather(self):
        print(["location"]["city"], "The weather is")
        for weather in['forecasts']:
            print(weather["dateLabel"] + "Weather:" + weather["telop"])

#Add execution part here

Source of processing part

The source of the addition is shown below (please be careful about indentation etc. when adding)

#Add instance variable
self.pref = ""     #Storage of designated prefectures
self.citys = ""    #Storage of areas in designated prefectures = ""     #Storage of designated area
self.citycode = "" #Storage of area code of specified area

def __init__(self):
    self.html = requests.get(self.source)
    self.soup = BeautifulSoup(self.html.text, "html.parser")
    self.prefs = self.soup.find_all("pref")

#Prefecture search method
def findPref(self, pref):
    for i in self.prefs:
        title = i.get("title")

        if title == pref:
            self.pref = title
            self.citys = i.find_all("city")

#Region search method
def selectCity(self):
    count = 1   #counter
    titles = {} #dictionary

    for i in self.citys:
        titles[i.get("title")] = i.get("id")

    for i in titles:
        print("area", count, ":", i)
        count += 1 #count up = input("Please enter the area where you want to know the weather. >>>")

    for i in titles:
        if i ==
            self.citycode = titles[i]

#Selected prefecture / region display method
def showArea(self):
    print("Prefectures:", self.pref)

Source explanation of the processing part

Constructor (init method)

Line 1: Constructor definition. Automatically executed when an instance is created. 2nd line: Get HTML source Line 3: HTML parsing 4th line: Get pref tag (list)

findPref method

Line 1: Definition of the findPref method. Prefecture search method. 2nd line: Extract tags one by one from the list containing pref tags and assign them to the variable i. 3rd line: Extract and assign the `title``` attribute from the pref``` tag stored in the ```i``` to the variable `` title```.

Line 5: Check if the title and the argument pref are equal. Line 6: If equal, assign to the instance variable `` `pref. Line 7: Assign the city tag contained in the pref tag to the instance variable` `citys.

selectCity method

Line 1: Definition of selectCity method. Region search method. Line 5: Take tags one by one from the list containing the city tags and assign them to the variable `i```. 6th line: Extract the title``` attribute of the city``` tag and specify it as the key. Extract the ```id``` attribute of the city``` tag and assign it to the element. Line 8: Take the keys one by one from the dictionary ``` titles``` and assign them to the variable ```i```. 9th line: ``` Region n (count): Output as region name . 12th line: Enter the area name you want to specify. Line 14: Take out the keys one by one from the dictionary `` titlesand assign them to the variablei. Line 15: Check if i and the instance variable `` `city are equal. Line 16: If equal, assign the element of `titles [i] ``` to the instance variable `citycode```.

showArea method

Line 1: Definition of showArea method. The selected state / region display method. 2nd line: Outputs the specified prefecture. 3rd line: Output the selected area.

Source of execution part

Add the source of the execution part.

w = GetWeather() #Instance generation

#Enter prefecture
pref = input("Please enter the prefecture where you want to know the weather. >>>")


--BeautifulSoup can retrieve and analyze data from HTML and XML files. ――It might be interesting if you could bookmark the area. ――After all, it's better to see the weather normally y ('^' c 彡 ☆)) Д´) Pan --The previous weather BOT is ** here **

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