Get the weather with Python requests

It was rainy season so I wanted to know the weather so I made it

  1. [About requests](About #requests)
  2. [Weather acquisition location](#Weather acquisition location)
  3. Source
  4. [Source explanation](#Source explanation)
  5. [Execution result](# Execution result)
  6. Summary

About requests

--Python library for HTTP communication. --Used for retrieving data from HTML and XML files by web scraping. --You can install it by typing ``` pip install requests` `` at the command prompt.

import requests

r = requests.get("")

--Execution result (partial excerpt)

<!DOCTYPE html>
     <style data-styled="gpQmdr jhlPYu" data-styled-version="4.4.1" data-styled-streamed="true">
     /* sc-component-id: sc-jAaTju */
     .gpQmdr{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms- flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-webkit-box-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;-webkit-flex-direction:column;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;overflow:hidden;position:relative;background-color:#efefef;height:80px;width:80px;} .gpQmdr::after{content:'';display:block;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%;height:100%;border:solid 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.06);}

Where to get the weather

[Weather Web Service] for livedoor weather information ( Search for the id of the "primary subdivision (city tag)" of the requested area in the link of the point definition table nationwide on the above site. (Example: Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto City = 260010)


import requests

class GetWeather:
    url = ""

    def getWeather(self, citycode):
        query_params = {"city": citycode} = requests.get(self.url, params = query_params).json()

    def showWeather(self):
        print(["location"]["city"], "The weather is")
        for weather in["forecasts"]:
            print(weather["dateLabel"] + "Weather:" + weather["telop"])

citycode = 260010
w = GetWeather()

Source commentary

The first line

import requests

Import requests library

3rd line

class GetWeather

Definition of the GetWeather class.

4th line

url = ""

URL when requesting JSON data

Lines 6-8 getWeather method

def getWeather(self, citycode):
    query_params = {"city": citycode} = requests.get(self.url, params = query_params).json()

Line 6: Definition of the getWeather method. Specify the area code as an argument. A method to get the weather data.

Line 7: Assign region code to query_params.

8th line: Get weather data with requests.get (). With this, you can get the weather of the area of the code specified by query_params with the area code set in the url.

Lines 10-15 showWeather method

def showWeather(self):
    print(["location"]["city"], "The weather is")
    for weather in['forecasts']:
        print(weather["dateLabel"] + "Weather:" + weather["telop"])

Line 10: Definition of showWeather method. A method to display the acquired weather.

Line 11: If you look at the property name of the response field of the weather web service specification, you can see that the city property of the location property has the primary subdivision name, so ` ["location "] [" city You can display the primary subdivision name of the city property with "]`.

Line 12: Similarly, you can see that the date property of the forecasts property has the forecast date (year / month / day) and the dataLabel property has the forecast date (today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow).

Extract the properties in the forecasts property with.

 Line 13: `` `print (weather [" date "])` `` to display the date property

 Line 14: `` `print (weather [" dateLabel "] +" weather: "+ weather [" telop "])` ``
 Display dateLabel property and telop property

### Lines 17-20
 Line 17: Definition of city code. (Here, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture)
 Line 18: Creating an instance of the GetWeather class.
 Line 19: Call to getWeather method.
 Line 20: Call to showWeather method.

## Execution result

The weather in Kyoto is 2020-06-19 Today's weather: cloudy after rain

2020-06-20 Tomorrow's weather: cloudy then sunny

2020-06-21 The day after tomorrow: sunny and sometimes cloudy

## Summary
 --HTTP communication is possible with requests
 ――It might be interesting if you can get the weather of the prefecture and area specified by the user.
 --It's better to see the weather normally y ('^' c 彡 ☆)) Д´) Pan
 -[Continued (Getting the weather with Python requests 2)](

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