Hit the Etherpad-lite API with Python


When I was looking for a tool that allows multiple people to edit the minutes of a meeting at the same time, I arrived at Etherpad-lite. Since it is open source, it can be operated on an in-house server, so unlike Google Docs, there is no risk of exposing in-house information to the outside.

Reference: Introducing some memo tools that support simultaneous editing so that everyone can take notes

However, with the plain Etherpad-lite, it is not possible to refer to the list of Pads and the UI is a little rugged, so in order to operate it as it can be used, it is necessary to create a Web service that hits the API.

First of all, in order to learn the basic operation method, I decided to hit the API from Python.

How to hit the API

The wrapper for hitting the Etherpad-lite API with Python is Changaco / python-etherpad_lite .

The folder structure in this description is as follows.


With Etherpad-lite running, you can hit the API as follows.

As c.api_version = '1.2.13', you cannot execute the latest API functions published at the moment unless you explicitly specify the API version.


from etherpad_lite import EtherpadLiteClient

f = open('./etherpad-lite/APIKEY.txt')
apikey = f.readline()
c = EtherpadLiteClient(base_params={'apikey': apikey})
c.api_version = '1.2.13'

#Creating a pad

#Get pad list
# => {'padIDs': ['hoge']}

#Delete pad

I tried to make a web service with Django

I tried to create a Web service that can create, list, and delete Pads by referring to Introduction to Python Django (1).



Although it could not be implemented as of April 12, 2017, I would like to try expanding functions such as full-text search in Pad and user authentication.

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