Hit the Twitter API after Oauth authentication with Django


--There were many articles that implemented login on Twitter using Oauth authentication when I wanted to make a Twitter client with Django.

――But what I wanted to do was to hit the Twitter API using the oauth_token and secret issued when Oauth authentication was performed. ――I was struggling because I couldn't find the article because I wasn't sure how to google, but I was able to put an end to it, so I will write it as an article --I used a library called `social-auth-app-django.

What Happens When You Do OAuth Authentication With Django

--Looking at the log when returning from the Twitter site, you can see that oauth_token and secret are added as queries to the path / complete / twitter and a GET request is being made. ――At first, I thought that it would override the method that runs when the path complete / twitter is accessed, but it seems to be different. --User model object is generated when Oauth authentication is performed with Django --When I logged in as a super user from host / admin and looked at user management, it was true that a user was created with the screen name of Twitter.


--It seems that you should refer to the UserSocialAuth model. --Since UserSocialAuth exists as a model of social_django

from social_django.models import UserSocialAuth

You can get the dictionary containing oauth_token and secret with, so you can hit the Twitter API.

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