Sample to use after OAuth authentication of BOX API with Python


I will introduce a sample that uses the API of the file sharing cloud service "BOX" from Python.

Various people have introduced how to use the API, including the "BOX" document. I didn't have any information close to what I wanted to do, so I wrote an article.

What I wanted to do First of all, I wanted to run the following sample code on this SDK site quickly.

client = Client(auth)
user = client.user().get()
print('User ID is {0}'.format(

If you just move it, you can manually pass OAuth authentication, but this time I tried to realize OAuth by a simple method.


Mac   10.14.6
Python  3.7.4
boxsdk  2.6.1 


Install BOX SDK

Please install with pip or other tools according to your environment.

pip install boxsdk

Register the app on the BOX management screen

スクリーンショット 2019-12-22 20.22.49.png
スクリーンショット 2019-12-22 20.19.46.png
スクリーンショット 2019-12-22 20.17.20.png

Copy the client ID and client sensitive code displayed here to the source.

Enter "http: // localhost: 8080" for the redirect URI.

Sample code

from boxsdk import OAuth2, Client
import webbrowser
import http.server
import socketserver
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs

#Get from the BOX management screen
CLIENT_ID = 'Client ID'
CLIENT_SECRET = 'Client sensitive code'

#Set on the BOX management screen
REDIRECT_URI = 'http://localhost:8080'

HOST = ''
PORT = 8080

#Variable to put the authentication code issued by BOX
global auth_code

auth_code = None

oauth = OAuth2(
    client_id = CLIENT_ID,
    client_secret = CLIENT_SECRET,
    store_tokens = None     #Token storage is omitted this time

#Start OAuth
auth_url, csrf_token = oauth.get_authorization_url(REDIRECT_URI)

#Start your browser and enter your BOX ID and password
#REDIRECT when entered_Redirected to URI

# REDIRECT_Processing when URI is hit
class ServerHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
    def do_GET(self):
        global auth_code
        self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
        parsed_path = urlparse(self.path)
        query = parse_qs(parsed_path.query)
        auth_code = query['code'][0]

with socketserver.TCPServer((HOST, PORT), ServerHandler) as server:
    print('http server start')
    # server.serve_forever()    # Ctrl+Continue processing until there is an interrupt such as C being pressed
    server.handle_request()     #Exit after processing one request
    print('http server shutdown')

# auth_Now that you have the code, you can use the API from here
access_token, refresh_token = oauth.authenticate(auth_code)

client = Client(oauth)
me = client.user().get()
print('My user ID is {0}'.format(


important point


I wanted to run it in JupyterLab, so I wrote it in one file.

It's easy to start a simple web server in Python. This time, I like the fact that the web server is terminated after processing one request.

On the contrary, I don't like the fact that the do_GET method assigns directly to a global variable. Is there a beautiful way to write it?

I don't think it's working strangely, but I'm not familiar with Python yet, so I'd appreciate it if you could point out any strange points or improvements.

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