After hitting the Qiita API with Python to get a list of articles for beginners, we will visit the god articles


Qiita's "Beginner" tag and "New programmer support" tag articles for beginners As a new QA engineer, all of them are very helpful to me. Unfortunately, the individual tag page only lists trends and new articles, The specifications make it difficult to find good articles from the past. In this article, we will first use the Qiita API to write articles for beginners (articles tagged as: = "Beginner" OR "Support for new programmers"). After creating a program that outputs everything, the result of reading each article in the output list in descending order of likes I will introduce the god articles that I felt "This is ridiculously helpful!"

Thing you want to do

  1. Get all articles for beginners and output to CSV
  2. Read the CSV with spreadsheet software and sort the list in descending order of "most likes"
  3. Worship in order from the top

Make a program

Consider how to "take all articles for beginners and output to CSV"

I simply thought about it like this.

  1. Get all articles with "Beginner" tag OR "New programmer support" tag with API
  2. Extract only the data you need
  3. Export the data to CSV

Read the API specifications and consider how to get the data and the required data

If you read Official documentation of Qiita API, you can see the following.

Implement a little

** I have put the code implemented based on the above examination, its explanation, and sample output file on GitHub. **

For implementation, I referred to the following article. Thank you! Get a list of articles I posted on Qiita

To worship

You can operate the list with Python, but it is troublesome, so this time I will read the CSV with spreadsheet software and edit it. Add a header column appropriately and sort in descending order in order of likes, and you're done. After that, I will go around the URL from the top. In my case, the articles I read and liked were "liked" + colored on the table.

As of November 20, 2019, the total number of articles acquired was 8642! I couldn't read the whole thing, so This time, I read 75 articles that had more than 1000 likes as of November 20, 2019.

Carefully selected !! Super God article list

The list below has read 75 god articles and 22 super god articles that impressed me especially! (Although there are a few, we have carefully selected such things as removing duplicated content) It is roughly categorized by content.

How to recommend work

How to write a document


Computer Science * ~ Eventually here ~ *

Book / Article Summary

Information gathering / dissemination

Impressions after reading

I read the so-called "buzzed" articles in order from the top,

At the same time, I'm not satisfied just by reading the article, but I think I should actually take action. It's going to be a long way, but I can't help hurrying, so I'll keep going ...!

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