Get the caller of a function in Python

Thing you want to do

I want to get the file name / function that called the function being processed.


Use inspect.

How to do

import callee_file

def main():


import inspect

def callee_function():
    # print(inspect.stack())

Calls are stored in inspect.stack in order of slowest call. If you uncomment the 4th line, the following array will be output.

  FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x7fa68460f050, file '/path-to-dir/', line 4, code callee_function>, filename='/path-to-dir/', lineno=4, function='callee_function', code_context=['    print(inspect.stack())\n'], index=0),
  FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x10cc17650, file '', line 5, code main>, filename='', lineno=5, function='main', code_context=['    callee_file.callee_function()\n'], index=0),
  FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x10ca61450, file '', line 8, code <module>>, filename='', lineno=8, function='<module>', code_context=['main()\n'], index=0)

The first is the information on print (inspect.stack ()) on the 4th line of, The second is the information of callee_file.callee_function () on the 5th line of The third is the information on main () on line 8 of

Since we want the information of the previous function call, we need ʻinspect.stack () [1] to get the information of the second array. The properties of ʻinspect.stack () [1] are as follows, but this time it is good if you can get the file name and function name. Use ʻinspect.stack () [1] .filename, and ʻinspect.stack () [1] .function. By the way, you can also get the array number, so you can use ʻinspect.stack () [1] [1], and ʻinspect.stack () [1] [3].


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