Get a token for conoha in python

Needed to do various things using the official API

A little explanation


#!/usr/bin/env python

import requests
import json
import datetime
import os

class get_token:
        def __init__(self): #Initialization
                self.values = {"auth":{"passwordCredentials":{"username":"","password":""},"tenantId":""}}
        def set(self,user,passwd,tnid): #Obtaining user name, password, and tenant ID
                self.user = user
                self.passwd = passwd
                self.tnid = tnid
        def getter(self): #Token acquisition process
                get_flag = True #Flag initialization
                if os.path.exists("./my_token_expire.txt"): #If you already have a token, check the expiration date in the file
                        with open('my_token_expire.txt','r') as f:
                                tk_ex =
                                tk_ex = tk_ex.replace("T"," ")
                                tk_ex = tk_ex.replace("Z","")
                                tk_ex_time =  datetime.datetime.strptime(tk_ex, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                                today =  datetime.datetime.utcnow()

                                if today < tk_ex_time: #If the deadline is valid, do not get
                                        get_flag = False
                                        print 'active token'
                                        print 'expired token'

                        print 'token file not found'

                if get_flag: #Get token if flag is set
                        url = ''
                        head = {'Accept':'application/json'}
                        r =,data=json.dumps(self.values),headers=head)
                        with open('my_token.json','w') as f:

                        with open('my_token.json','r') as f:
                                jsonData = json.loads(

                        with open('my_token.txt','w') as f:
                                print 'write token'

                        with open('my_token_expire.txt','w') as f:
                                print 'expires='+jsonData["access"]["token"]["expires"]

def token_get_main(user,passwd,tenantId):
        token_get = get_token()

if __name__ == '__main__':
        user = 'User name'
        ps = 'User password'
        tenantId = 'Tenant ID'

The acquired JSON format data is saved in `my_token.json```, the token is saved in my_token.txt``, and the token expiration date is saved in ``my_token_expire.txt``. ..

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