Write a vim plugin in Python

Thing you want to do

--I want to make a plugin for vim

――But I don't understand vimscript! !!

--I want to write in Python! !! !! !!

What to make

--If you enter MyNameIs <name>, you will see Hello <name>

--Implementation escapes to python, vimscript is used like a python wrapper

Python in VimScript

I often use python and pyfile

Python and pyfile are essentially the same, the difference between whether the source is written directly or separated into files. For example, the following two codes are the same


python print('Hello')


pyfile hello.py



Note that if you write python, that line is already in the Python world. I wrote the following and was very worried.

function! hello#hello(name)
  python hello_hello(a:name)

It is easy to understand that this is a mistake by rewriting it as follows

function! hello#hello(name)
  python << endpython

There is also a pydo one. If you write pydo <body>,

def _vim_pydo(line, linenr):

Is created, and the line contents are passed to line and the line number is passed to linenr for each line in the selected range. If you return a value, the line will be replaced with that value, but since it is a function, you must write return as a matter of course. So it's a little long and crap. It seems that ruby can write this kind of thing more beautifully.

For example, if you execute the code below, the line number will be inserted at the beginning of the line in the selection range.

pydo return str(linenr) + line 


Directory structure



Create a function without worrying about vim.

1/25 postscript: @Thnka pointed out the possibility of name conflicts. It pollutes the global space and must be prefixed or included in the class.


def hello_hello(name):
  print('Hello {0}'.format(name))


This is the liver

There are three things to do.

  1. Load the created python script.
  2. Import vim without python
  3. Create a function called from plugin and hit a python function inside the function

First, load the created python script. Note how to get the script path.


pyfile <sfile>:h:h/src/hello.py

Then import vim. If you do not do this, you will not be able to exchange values.


python import vim

Finally, create a function called from the plugin side and hit the python function inside the function. Since python and the missing line are already in the python world, pass arguments through the vim module.


function! hello#hello(name)
  python hello(vim.eval('a:name'))


This is no different from a normal plug-in. Bridging the command and the function described in autoload


command! -nargs=1 MyNameIs call hello#hello(<f-args>)

Completed form


def hello_hello(name):
  print('Hello {0}'.format(name))


let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim

pyfile <sfile>:h:h/src/hello.py
python import vim

function! hello#hello(name)
  python hello_hello(vim.eval('a:name'))

let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo


if exists("g:loaded_hello")
let g:loaded_hello = 1

let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim

command! -nargs=1 MyNameIs call hello#hello(<f-args>)

let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo


-Until the Vim plugin is made-Bocchi study session


I actually made a plugin called httpstatus.vim. You can see what the HTTP status code meant from Vim. The text uses Python's BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses.

I made it enthusiastically, but apparently mattn had already made it. In addition, it seems to be more sophisticated than the one I made this time (you can check not only the status code but also the message), but anyway I can only check from the status code, so it was enough.

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