Split files when writing vim plugin in python


Write a vim plugin in Python

I am making a Vim (Neovim) plugin by referring to the article linked above. When the Python file got bigger and I tried to split it, I stumbled a bit so I'll share the solution.

In this article, as an example, let's create a plugin that displays the title of a web page using the requests module.

Directory structure and file contents



scriptencoding utf-8

if exists('g:loaded_sample_vim_plugin')
let g:loaded_sample_vim_plugin = 1

let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim

py3file <sfile>:h:h/src/sample_vim_plugin.py

function! sample_vim_plugin#print_title(url)
	py3 sample_vim_plugin_print_title(vim.eval('a:url'))

let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo


import vim
import requests_caller

def sample_vim_plugin_print_title(url):


import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def get_title(url):
	response = requests.get(url)
	soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'lxml')
	return soup.title.text

I manage plugins with dein, so when I add the above plugin to the toml file and start neovim ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests_caller' It is said that.

I would like to solve the problem that this module cannot be found.

In "Processing'runtimepath'in Python"

In Python, instead of using the list of paths for'runtimepath', vim.VIM_SPECIAL_PATH A special directory called is used. This directory is used in sys.path When, and when vim.path_hooks is used within sys.path_hooks,'runtimepath' {Rtp} / python2 (or python3) and {rtp} / pythonx (both bars) for each path {rtp} in The module (loaded by John) will be loaded.

There is.

Therefore, there are two possible methods.

Solution 1: Rename the directory

It is said that if there are python2, python3, pythonx directories directly under the runtime path, it will be loaded, so rename the src directory to python3. Of course it is necessary to change the part to be read, so change it as follows


- py3file <sfile>:h:h/src/sample_vim_plugin.py
+ py3file <sfile>:h:h/python3/sample_vim_plugin.py

Solution 2: Add to sys.path

If you don't want to rename the directory, add it directly to sys.path.


+ let s:sample_vim_plugin_root_dir = expand('<sfile>:p:h:h')
  py3file <sfile>:h:h/src/sample_vim_plugin.py


  import vim
+ import sys
+ import os
+ plugin_python_dir = os.path.join(vim.eval('s:sample_vim_plugin_root_dir'), 'src')
+ sys.path.append(plugin_python_dir)
  import requests_caller


--Put Python files in python2, python3, pythonx directories --Add the directory containing the Python files to sys.path

The plug-in will work in two ways.

Well-known, davidhalter / jedi-vim seems to use Solution 1 (pythonx). I just glanced at the source code, but Shougo / denite.nvim and Shougo / deoplete.nvim seems to use solution 2.

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