Output tree structure of files in Python


I made a function to output the tree structure of files and directories on Python like a tree of commands, so make a note.


Give the following function the path of the directory you want to display in the tree. Since it is implemented for Mac, it is not supported when paths are not separated by slashes.

import pathlib
import glob
import os

def tree(path, layer=0, is_last=False, indent_current=' '):
    if not pathlib.Path(path).is_absolute():
        path = str(pathlib.Path(path).resolve())
    #View current directory
    current = path.split('/')[::-1][0]
    if layer == 0:
        branch = '└' if is_last else '├'
        print('{indent}{branch}<{dirname}>'.format(indent=indent_current, branch=branch, dirname=current))
    #Get the path of the lower hierarchy
    paths = [p for p in glob.glob(path+'/*') if os.path.isdir(p) or os.path.isfile(p)]
    def is_last_path(i):
        return i == len(paths)-1
    #Display recursively
    for i, p in enumerate(paths):
        indent_lower = indent_current
        if layer != 0:
            indent_lower += '  ' if is_last else '│ '
        if os.path.isfile(p):
            branch = '└' if is_last_path(i) else '├'
            print('{indent}{branch}{filename}'.format(indent=indent_lower, branch=branch, filename=p.split('/')[::-1][0]))
        if os.path.isdir(p):
            tree(p, layer=layer+1, is_last=is_last_path(i), indent_current=indent_lower)

For example, consider the case where the directory called Test is configured as follows.

When tree is executed at this time, it looks like this.


Output result

 │ ├ccccc.txt
 │ └bbbbb.txt

The result is the same even if you specify it with a relative path.

tree('./') # /hogehoge/Run with Test

Output result

 │ ├ccccc.txt
 │ └bbbbb.txt

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