Sample for handling eml files in Python

If you use Python's email package, the eml file that can save emails is just the standard library. It's easy to analyze.

Get attachments, subject, body, etc. from eml file I made a class.

# coding:utf-8
Get data based on eml file for easy handling

There may be omissions in consideration due to the minimum implementation. .. ..

import sys
import email
from email.header import decode_header

class MailParser(object):
A class that takes the path of a mail file and parses it

    def __init__(self, mail_file_path):
        self.mail_file_path = mail_file_path
        #email from eml file.message.Get a Message instance
        with open(mail_file_path, 'rb') as email_file:
            self.email_message = email.message_from_bytes(
        self.subject = None
        self.to_address = None
        self.cc_address = None
        self.from_address = None
        self.body = ""
        #Attachment related information
        # {name: file_name, data: data}
        self.attach_file_list = []
        #Interpretation of eml

    def get_attr_data(self):
Get email data
        result = """\
FROM: {}
TO: {}
CC: {}
            ",".join([ x["name"] for x in self.attach_file_list])
        return result

    def _parse(self):
Parsing mail files
        __init__Calling in
        self.subject = self._get_decoded_header("Subject")
        self.to_address = self._get_decoded_header("To")
        self.cc_address = self._get_decoded_header("Cc")
        self.from_address = self._get_decoded_header("From")

        #Processing of message body part
        for part in self.email_message.walk():
            #If the ContentType is multipart, the actual content is even more
            #Since it is in the inside part, skip it
            if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':
            #Get file name
            attach_fname = part.get_filename()
            #Should be the body if there is no file name
            if not attach_fname:
                charset = str(part.get_content_charset())
                if charset:
                    self.body += part.get_payload(decode=True).decode(charset, errors="replace")
                    self.body += part.get_payload(decode=True)
                #If there is a file name, it's an attachment
                #Get the data
                    "name": attach_fname,
                    "data": part.get_payload(decode=True)

    def _get_decoded_header(self, key_name):
Get the decoded result from the header object
        ret = ""

        #Keys that do not have the corresponding item return an empty string
        raw_obj = self.email_message.get(key_name)
        if raw_obj is None:
            return ""
        #Make the decoded result unicode
        for fragment, encoding in decode_header(raw_obj):
            if not hasattr(fragment, "decode"):
                ret += fragment
            #UTF for the time being without encode-Decode with 8
            if encoding:
                ret += fragment.decode(encoding)
                ret += fragment.decode("UTF-8")
        return ret

if __name__ == "__main__":
    result = MailParser(sys.argv[1]).get_attr_data()

For the time being, the expected results have been obtained. I hope it will be helpful in handling emails.

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