Data input / output in Python (CSV, JSON)


I am studying with reference to O'Reilly Japan's "Data Visualization Beginning with Python and JavaScript".


Output JSON format file in CSV format

# coding:UTF-8
import json
import csv

#Load JSON file
json_dict = json.load(open('data/players.json', 'r'))
#Extraction of list of dict
target_dicts = json_dict['players']

with open('data/players.csv', 'w') as f:
    #Dialect registration
    csv.register_dialect('dialect01', doublequote=True, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
    #DictWriter creation
    writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=target_dicts[0].keys(), dialect='dialect01')
    #Write to CSV
    for target_dict in target_dicts:

Output CSV format file in JSON format

# coding:UTF-8
import json
import csv

json_list = []
json_data = {}

#Load CSV file
with open('data/players.csv', 'r') as f:
    #Creating a list of dict
    for line in csv.DictReader(f):

    json_data["players"] = json_list

with open('data/players.json', 'w') as f:
    #Write to JSON
    json.dump(json_data, f)

Input / output files

JSON format (players.json)

  "players": [
      "id": "0001",
      "name": "Nishikawa Haruki",
      "position": "center fielder"
      "id": "0002",
      "name": "Matsumoto Go",
      "position": "right fielder"
      "id": "0003",
      "name": "Brandon J. Laird",
      "position": "third baseman"
    } ,
      "id": "0004",
      "name": "Nakata Sho",
      "position": "first baseman"

CSV format (players.csv)

"0001","Nishikawa Haruki","center fielder"
"0002","Matsumoto Go","right fielder"
"0003","Brandon J. Laird","third baseman"
"0004","Nakata Sho","first baseman"



Data visualization starting with Python and JavaScript

Python 3.3.6 documentation

14.1. csv — Read and write CSV files

19.2. json — JSON encoder and decoder

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