Ant book in python: Sec. 2-4, data structures

page 73: Expedition (POJ 2421)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from heapq import *

N = int(raw_input())
L = int(raw_input())
P = int(raw_input())
A = map(int,raw_input().split())
B = map(int,raw_input().split())

h = []

fuel = P
position = 0
ans = 0

N += 1

def solve():

    h = []

    fuel = P
    position = 0
    ans = 0

    for i in range(N):
        dl = A[i]-position

        while fuel - dl <0:
            if len(h) == 0:
                return -1
            fuel += -heappop(h)
            ans += 1
        fuel -=dl
        position = A[i]

    return ans

print solve()

Unlike STL in C ++, heappop () in python comes out from the smallest element, so it corresponds by inverting the sign.

page75: Fence Repair (PKU 3253) Again

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from heapq import *

N = int(raw_input())
L = map(int,raw_input().split())

h = []

cost = 0

for i in L:

while len(h)>1:
    l1 = heappop(h)
    l2 = heappop(h)
    cost += l1 + l2

print cost

Heapq solution. Since it is brought from the smallest element, python's heapq is as it is. The amount of calculation is O (L, n log n).

page85: Food Chain (POJ 1182)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from heapq import *
from unionfind import *

N = int(raw_input())
K = int(raw_input())
information = []
while 1:
    a = raw_input()
    if a == "":

u = unionfind(3 * N) 

ans = 0
for i in information:
    infclass = i[0]
    x = i[1]
    y = i[2]

    if x < 0 or x >=N or y <0 or y >=N or infclass <1 or infclass >2:
        ans +=1
    if infclass == 1:
        if u.issame(x, y+N) or u.issame(x, y+2*N):
            ans +=1
            u.unite(x, y)
            u.unite(x+N, y+N)
            u.unite(x+2*N, y+2*N)

    if infclass ==2:
        if u.issame(x, y) or u.issame(x, y+2*N):
            ans +=1
            u.unite(x, y+N)
            u.unite(x+N, y+2*N)
            u.unite(x+2*N, y)

print ans

No, it's funny. By duplicating the elements, you can reduce the problem of grouping, so Union-Find can process it at high speed.

After finishing Sec2-4

Priority queue, binary search tree, Union-Find tree introduction and exercises.

For the time being, I wrote it using the heapq and unionfind packages.

Before going to Sec2-5, I'll try to implement each one myself.

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