Ant book in python: page 42 coin problem

# coding: utf-8
import numpy as np

input_lines = raw_input()
data = np.array([],dtype=int)
line = ""
for i in input_lines:
    if i != " ":
        line += i
    if i == " ":
        data = np.append(data, int(line))
        line = ""
data = np.append(data, int(line))

nums = [1,5,10,50,100,500]

A = data[-1]

history = []

for i in range(len(nums)):
    history.append(np.min([data[len(nums)-i-1], A//nums[len(nums)-i-1]]))
    A -= np.min([data[len(nums)-i-1], A//nums[len(nums)-i-1]]) * nums[len(nums)-i-1]

for j in range(len(history)):
    print str(history[len(history)-j -1]),

String-> Numerical processing is a little tedious

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