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#!/usr/bin/env python
cashiers = (2,7,3,5,2) # capabilities
def solve(data):
customer = [0] * len(cashiers)
processable = [9*len(data)] * len(cashiers)
for d in data:
cashier = customer.index(min(customer))
if d in '123456789':
customer[cashier] += int(d)
elif d == 'x':
processable[cashier] = min(customer[cashier], processable[cashier])
customer[cashier] += 1
elif d == '.':
for cashier,capability in enumerate(cashiers):
customer[cashier] -= min(customer[cashier], processable[cashier], capability)
processable[cashier] -= min(processable[cashier], capability)
return ','.join(map(str, customer))
def test(data, correct):
answer = solve(data)
print 'xo'[answer==correct], data, correct, answer
0, test( "42873x.3.", "0,4,2,0,0" );
1, test( "1", "1,0,0,0,0" );
2, test( ".", "0,0,0,0,0" );
3, test( "x", "1,0,0,0,0" );
4, test( "31.", "1,0,0,0,0" );
5, test( "3x.", "1,1,0,0,0" );
6, test( "99569x", "9,9,6,6,9" );
7, test( "99569x33", "9,9,9,9,9" );
8, test( "99569x33.", "7,2,6,4,7" );
9, test( "99569x33..", "5,0,4,0,5" );
10, test( "12345x3333.", "4,0,3,2,3" );
11, test( "54321x3333.", "3,0,3,0,4" );
12, test( "51423x3333.", "3,4,4,0,4" );
13, test( "12x34x.", "1,0,1,0,2" );
14, test( "987x654x.32", "7,6,4,10,5" );
15, test( "99999999999x99999999.......9.", "20,10,12,5,20" );
16, test( "997", "9,9,7,0,0" );
17, test( ".3.9", "1,9,0,0,0" );
18, test( "832.6", "6,6,0,0,0" );
19, test( ".5.568", "3,5,6,8,0" );
20, test( "475..48", "4,8,0,0,0" );
21, test( "7.2..469", "1,4,6,9,0" );
22, test( "574x315.3", "3,3,1,7,1" );
23, test( "5.2893.x98", "10,9,5,4,1" );
24, test( "279.6xxx..4", "2,1,4,1,1" );
25, test( "1.1.39..93.x", "7,1,0,0,0" );
26, test( "7677749325927", "16,12,17,18,12" );
27, test( "x6235.87.56.9.", "7,2,0,0,0" );
28, test( "4.1168.6.197.6.", "0,0,3,0,0" );
29, test( "2.8.547.25..19.6", "6,2,0,0,0" );
30, test( ".5.3x82x32.1829..", "5,0,5,0,7" );
31, test( "x.1816..36.24.429.", "1,0,0,0,7" );
32, test( "", "1,0,2,1,1" );
33, test( "574296x6538984..5974", "14,13,10,15,14" );
34, test( "99.6244.4376636..72.6", "5,6,0,0,3" );
35, test( "1659.486x5637168278123", "17,16,16,18,17" );
36, test( ".5.17797.x626x5x9457.3.", "14,0,3,5,8" );
37, test( "..58624.85623..4.7..23.x", "1,1,0,0,0" );
38, test( "716.463.9.x.8..4.15.738x4", "7,3,5,8,1" );
39, test( "22xx.191.96469472.7232377.", "10,11,18,12,9" );
40, test( "24..4...343......4.41.6...2", "2,0,0,0,0" );
41, test( "32732.474x153.866..4x29.2573", "7,5,7,8,5" );
42, test( "786.1267x9937.17.15448.1x33.4", "4,4,8,4,10" );
43, test( "671714849.149.686852.178.895x3", "13,16,13,10,12" );
44, test( "86x.47.517..29621.61x937..xx935", "7,11,8,8,10" );
45, test( ".2233.78x.94.x59511.5.86x3.x714.", "4,6,10,8,8" );
46, test( ".793...218.687x415x13.1...x58576x", "8,11,8,6,9" );
47, test( "6.6x37.3x51x932.72x4x33.9363.x7761", "15,13,15,12,15" );
48, test( "6..4.x187..681.2x.2.713276.669x.252", "6,7,8,6,5" );
49, test( ".6.xx64..5146x897231.x.21265392x9775", "19,17,19,20,17" );
50, test( "334.85413.263314.x.6293921x3.6357647x", "14,14,12,16,10" );
51, test( "4.1..9..513.266..5999769852.2.38x79.x7", "12,10,13,6,10" );
Since the order of appearance of variables is opposite to that of object-oriented, I tried to make it an object-oriented structure.
capabilities = (2,7,3,5,2)
def solve(data):
cashiers = [[capability, 0, 9*len(data)] for capability in capabilities]
capability, customer, processable = 0, 1, 2 # indexies in cashier
for d in data:
cashier = min(cashiers, key=lambda cashier: cashier[customer])
if d in '123456789':
cashier[customer] += int(d)
elif d == 'x':
cashier[processable] = min(cashier[customer], cashier[processable])
cashier[customer] += 1
elif d == '.':
for cashier in cashiers:
cashier[customer] -= min(cashier)
cashier[processable] -= min(cashier[processable], cashier[capability])
return ','.join(str(cashier[customer]) for cashier in cashiers)
Since it's a big deal, I also made an implementation that uses classes.
class Cashier:
def __init__(self, capability):
self.capability = capability
def reset(self, processable):
self.customer = 0
self.processable = processable
def join_customer(self, customer):
self.customer += customer
def join_troubler(self):
self.processable = min(self.customer, self.processable)
self.customer += 1
def process(self):
self.customer -= min(self.customer, self.processable, self.capability)
self.processable -= min(self.processable, self.capability)
cashiers = [ Cashier(capability) for capability in (2,7,3,5,2) ]
def solve(data):
for cashier in cashiers:
cashier.reset(9 * len(data))
for d in data:
cashier = min(cashiers, key=lambda cashier: cashier.customer)
if d in '123456789':
elif d == 'x':
elif d == '.':
for cashier in cashiers:
return ','.join(str(cashier.customer) for cashier in cashiers)
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