The 15th offline real-time I tried to solve the problem of how to write with python

How to write problems

d = {'1011':'L', '1110':'R', '0111':'J', '111010':'T', '101111':'U', '111101':'N', '011110':'S', '110011':'Z'}
def f(s1, s2, s3):
    t1, t2 = [bin(int(s, 16))[2:].rjust(32, '0') for s in (s1, s2)]
    r = []
    while t1:
        for i in [3, 2]:
            c = d.get(t1[:i] + t2[:i], None)
            if c:
                t1, t2 = t1[i - 1:], t2[i - 1:]
        t1, t2 = t1[1:], t2[1:]
    return s3 == ''.join(r)
all([f(*s.split('/')) for s in """

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