I wrote it. To be honest, I'm not offline (sweat)
def parse(str):
# count each letters
return map(lambda x:ord(x) - ord('a'), list(str.lower()))
def test(in_str, answer):
max = len("aBcDeFgHiJkL")-1
xs = [parse(in_str).count(i) for i in range(max+1)]
killed = 0
idx = 0
while idx < max:
if xs[idx] != 0: # i got a weapon
for monster in range(idx+1, max+1, 2) + range(1, idx, 2):
if xs[monster] == 0: # no monster here
killed += xs[monster] # found! kill monsters!
xs[monster] = 0
idx += 2
idx += 2
if killed != int(answer):
print "failed! " + in_str + " expect: " + answer + " got: " + str(killed)
test( "gLDLBgBgHDaD", "6" );
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