I wanted to collect images for deep learning, so I ended up with this article. It didn't work because the contents of the web page changed, so I rewrote it.
import requests
import urllib.request
import time
import json
def scraping(url, max_page_num):
#Pagination implementation
page_list = get_page_list(url, max_page_num)
#Get image URL list
all_img_src_list = []
for page in page_list:
img_src_list = get_img_src_list(page)
return all_img_src_list
def get_img_src_list(url):
#Access the search results page
response = requests.get(url)
webtext = response.text
#In the original article, I used Beatiful soup, but I couldn't get the image, so I changed it.
start_word='<script>__NEXT_DATA__ = '
start_num = webtext.find(start_word)
webtext_start = webtext[start_num + len(start_word):]
end_word = ';__NEXT_LOADED_PAGES__='
end_num = webtext_start.find(end_word)
webtext_all = webtext_start[:end_num]
web_dic = json.loads(webtext_all)
img_src_list = [img['imageSrc'] for img in web_dic["props"]["initialProps"]["pageProps"]["algos"]]
return img_src_list
def get_page_list(url, max_page_num):
img_num_per_page = 20 #If you change this, the number of downloads will change.
page_list = [f'{url}{i*img_num_per_page+1}' for i in range(max_page_num)]
return page_list
def download_img(src, dist_path):
with urllib.request.urlopen(src) as data:
img = data.read()
with open(dist_path, 'wb') as f:
def main():
search_words = ["Kanna Hashimoto"] #Pass the word you want to search in a list.
for num, search_word in enumerate(search_words):
url = f"https://search.yahoo.co.jp/image/search?p={search_word}&ei=UTF-8&b="
max_page_num = 20
all_img_src_list = scraping(url, max_page_num)
#Image download
for i, src in enumerate(all_img_src_list):
download_img(src, f'./img/image_{num}_{i}.jpg') #Please change the save destination appropriately
if __name__ == '__main__':
If you create an img folder and execute the above with python, the image will be saved in the img folder.
This is the image.
Be careful because scraping puts a load on the other server!
I tried to automatically collect images of Kanna Hashimoto with Python! !!
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