The problem is here.
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
def cut(m):
'''Search a maximum rectangle area on 0 at the upper left corner'''
area = 0
x = m[0].index('BLACK')
for y in xrange(1, len(m)):
if 'BLACK' in m[y][:x]:
area = max(area, x * y)
x = m[y].index('BLACK')
return area
def solve(data):
points = [map(int, p) for p in data.split(',')]
points_x, points_y = zip(*points)
min_x, min_y = min(points_x), min(points_y)
max_x, max_y = max(points_x), max(points_y)
w, h = (max_x - min_x + 1), (max_y - min_y + 1)
area = w * h
if area == 1: return str(3)
m = map(list, [['WHITE'] * w] * h)
for x, y in points: m[y - min_y][x - min_x] = 'BLACK'
c = max(cut(m), # original for upper left
cut(m[::-1]), # reverse Y for lower left
cut([x[::-1] for x in m]), # reverse X for upper right
cut([x[::-1] for x in m[::-1]])) # reverse XY for lower right
return str(area - c) if c > 0 else str(area + 1) if area < 10 * 10 else '-'
def test(data, correct):
answer = solve(data)
print "OK" if answer == correct else "NG", answer, correct, data
if __name__ == "__main__":
0, test( "41,33,26,55,74,58,68", "39" );
1, test( "00,99,09,90", "-" );
2, test( "09", "3" );
3, test( "05,05,05", "3" );
4, test( "45", "3" );
5, test( "38,39", "3" );
6, test( "38,47", "3" );
7, test( "45,66", "4" );
8, test( "12,34,56,78", "33" );
9, test( "12,34,56,78,45", "37" );
10, test( "00,09,00", "11" );
11, test( "00,90", "11" );
12, test( "99,09", "11" );
13, test( "99,90", "11" );
14, test( "11,12,21,22", "5" );
15, test( "42,45,92,95,83,62", "25" );
16, test( "42,45,92,83,62", "14" );
17, test( "34,38,78,74,56,35,77,48,54", "26" );
18, test( "38,78,74,56,35,77,48,54", "23" );
19, test( "31,41,21,71,21", "7" );
20, test( "46,45,42,44,45", "6" );
21, test( "00,99,09", "19" );
22, test( "99,09,90,24", "64" );
23, test( "99,16,61,34,17,24,42,26,18,71,19,91,81,43,33,62,52,25", "75" );
24, test( "55,43,16,91,61,19,24,18,33,34,71,81,42,62,52,26,17,25", "53" );
25, test( "71,26,81,62,17,16,25,42,33,52,19,18,91,24,61,34,43", "45" );
26, test( "39,49,19,93,78,58,48,91,95,29,68,92,86,87,94,77", "39" );
27, test( "69,89,25,26,58,12,37,36,68,24,11,13,48,14,79", "37" );
28, test( "58,67,92,38,83,29,91,76,84,57,75,48,85,19,66", "51" );
29, test( "00,83,76,85,48,19,75,29,92,57,66,67,91,58,38,84", "91" );
30, test( "11,92,57,38,58,66,91,67,84,48,83,19,75,85,76,29", "72" );
31, test( "36,07,45", "9" );
32, test( "57,23,24,74", "21" );
33, test( "92,20,32,12,65", "39" );
34, test( "24,54,66,48,54,15", "21" );
35, test( "05,17,42,20,48,22,13", "39" );
36, test( "53,84,55,56,25,14,84,43", "26" );
37, test( "06,77,56,59,15,24,09,66,71", "51" );
38, test( "53,36,47,45,45,67,66,46,63,75", "21" );
39, test( "35,53,93,33,02,84,83,48,54,32,28", "50" );
40, test( "55,74,32,84,41,64,24,44,15,14,26,53", "39" );
41, test( "47,60,34,32,19,67,24,83,94,38,47,05,79", "88" );
42, test( "63,32,42,74,66,64,35,41,74,25,48,62,44,54", "42" );
43, test( "00,86,16,19,09,92,51,10,68,23,14,63,21,46,03", "91" );
44, test( "56,46,54,14,15,25,53,84,58,85,44,37,54,76,26,76", "42" );
45, test( "71,87,39,43,76,38,91,69,98,33,43,26,56,69,73,52,89", "66" );
46, test( "43,26,84,64,52,48,36,23,66,53,41,57,76,36,84,57,35,41", "47" );
47, test( "81,02,85,93,36,46,80,27,72,28,02,99,13,41,36,40,18,97,38", "91" );
48, test( "63,46,75,58,42,26,58,37,14,75,35,63,32,36,52,46,85,14,48,23", "47" );
49, test( "66,92,64,12,17,33,10,28,75,05,81,05,42,86,52,57,56,78,87,81,10", "82" );
50, test( "48,25,58,76,15,74,43,44,24,62,33,67,34,34,42,48,37,33,51,43,46,67", "50" );
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