I wanted to solve the ABC164 A ~ D problem with Python


It was three completes from A to C.

A problem


** Thoughts ** Yes

s, w = map(int,input().split())

if w >= s:

B problem


** Thoughts ** Just divide each other's physical strength by the attack power and think about the size, but forget to write the processing when the value is the same, 1WA. very painful

import math
a, b, c, d = map(int,input().split())

x = math.ceil(a/d)
y = math.ceil(c/b)

if x == y:
elif x > y:

C problem


** Thoughts ** Just put it in the set and len. Easy. Why is this C?

n = int(input())
s = [input() for _ in range(n)]

s = set(s)

D problem


I do not know


There was a big wall between C and D, so 1WA of B echoed. I'm sick. See you again, good night.

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