Try to solve the programming challenge book with python3

at first

It's been a few months since I started programming, but I realized that I was overwhelmingly lacking in the knowledge needed to solve atcoder, so I decided to try solving the programming challenge book (commonly known as ant book). I'm also interested in data analysis such as kaggle, so I'll try to solve it with python.

1-6 triangle

n = 4
a = {4,5,10,20}
a = sorted(list(a))
ans = []

for i in range(n-2):
    for j in range(i+1,n-1):
        for k in range(j+1,n):
            if a[k] < a[i]+a[j]:
if ans==[]:
    ans2 = []
    for i in range(len(ans)):

Sort a and sort them in ascending order. Since the same value cannot be obtained twice, j should be selected from i and above. Also, it is necessary to leave two values larger than i.

Ant (POJ No.1852)

L = 10
n = 3
x = [2,6,7]
#When finding max
ans = L-min(x)

#When seeking min
for i in range(n):
    x[i] = min(x[i],L-x[i])
ans2 = max(x)

print("min =",ans2)
print("max =",ans)

Actually, you can see that there is no problem even if you think that the two ants passed each other and proceeded as they were. … (Omitted)… To find the maximum time, you need to find the maximum distance at the bridge.

"Lottery" with raised hurdles

n = 3
m = 9
k= set([1,3,5])
a = set([])
for i in k:
    for j in k:
a = list(a)
n = len(a)
exist = False
for i in range(len(a)):
    for j in range(len(a)):
        l = 0 #Left edge of search range
        r = n #Right edge of search range
        while (r - l >= 1) and exist==False: #End the process when the search range is exhausted
            i = (l + r) // 2 #Give i a position in the middle of the data
            if a[i] == m-a[j]:
                exist = True
            elif a[i] < m-a[j]:
                l = i + 1
                r = i
if exist== True:

was difficult,, I searched for possible options by dividing the four selections into two and two. The two possible values at this time are the same. If you put the possible values in the list a, you can find a [i] == m-a [j]. From here, do a binary search to find the answer.

Subset sum problem

n = 4
a = [1,2,4,7]
k = 14
def dfs(i,s):
    if i == n:  #After deciding n pieces, return whether the sum sum so far is equal to k
        return s == k
    if dfs(i+1,s):  #a[i]If you do not use
        #print("not use", i)
        return True
    if dfs(i+1,s+a[i]):  #a[i]When using
        #print("use", i)
        return True
    return False  #a[i]Returns false because it is not k regardless of whether it is used or not

if dfs(0,0):

The problem of full search using depth-first search (dfs). I'm checking everything with and without a [i] to see if it's equal to k. It may be easier to understand if you remove the print that is a comment.

Lake Counting Input example) N=10 M=12 w........ww. .www.....www ....ww...ww. .........ww. .........w.. ..w......w.. .w.w.....ww. w.w.w.....w. .w.w......w. ..w.......w.

def dfs(x,y):
    field[x][y] = "."
    for dx in range(-1,2):
        for dy in range(-1,2):
            nx = x+dx
            ny = y+dy
            if 0<=nx<n and 0<=ny<m and field[nx][ny]=="W":

n, m = 10, 12
field = [['W', '.', '.',  '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'W', 'W', '.'],
         ['.', 'W', 'W', 'W', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'W', 'W', 'W'],
         ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'W', 'W', '.', '.', '.', 'W', 'W', '.'],
         ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'W', 'W', '.'],
         ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'W', '.', '.'],
         ['.', '.', 'W', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'W', '.', '.'],
         ['.', 'W', '.', 'W', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'W', 'W', '.'],
         ['W', '.', 'W', '.', 'W', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'W', '.'],
         ['.', 'W', '.', 'W', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'W', '.'],
         ['.', '.', 'W', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'W', '.']]
res = 0
for i in range(n):
    for j in range(m):
        if field[i][j] == "W":
            dfs(i, j)
            res += 1

The shortest path of the maze

from collections import deque
INF = float("inf")

def bfs():
    d = [[INF]*m for i in range(n)]
    dx = [1,0,-1,0]
    dy = [0,1,0,-1]
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(m):
            if maze[i][j] == "S":
            if maze[i][j]=="G":
    que = deque([])
    d[sx][sy] = 0
    while len(que)>0:
        p = que.popleft()
        if p[0]==gx and p[1]==gy:
        for i in range(4):
            nx = p[0]+dx[i]
            ny = p[1]+dy[i]
            if 0<=nx<n and 0<=ny<m and maze[nx][ny]!="#" and d[nx][ny]==INF:
                d[nx][ny]= d[p[0]][p[1]]+1
    return d[gx][gy]

n = 10
m = 10
maze = [
    ['#', 'S', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '.', '#'],
    ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '#', '.', '.', '#'],
    ['.', '#', '.', '#', '#', '.', '#', '#', '.', '#'],
    ['.', '#', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'],
    ['#', '#', '.', '#', '#', '.', '#', '#', '#', '#'],
    ['.', '.', '.', '.', '#', '.', '.', '.', '.', '#'],
    ['.', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '.', '#'],
    ['.', '.', '.', '.', '#', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'],
    ['.', '#', '#', '#', '#', '.', '#', '#', '#', '.'],
    ['.', '.', '.', '.', '#', '.', '.', '.', 'G', '#'],

Coin problem

c = [3,2,1,3,0,2]
a = 620
v = [1,5,10,50,100,500]
for i in range(1,7):
    t = min(a//v[-i],c[-i])
    a = a - (t*v[-i])
    ans = ans+t

t is the smaller number of a / 500 and 500 yen. Then, pay the lesser amount of 500 yen and subtract from a.

Interval scheduling problem

from operator import itemgetter
n = 5
s = [1,2,4,6,8]
t = [3,5,7,9,10]
st = sorted([(s[i], t[i]) for i in range(n)], key=itemgetter(1))
ans = 0
last = 0

for i in range(n):
    if last < st[i][0]:
        ans += 1
        last = st[i][1]


Be careful because there are some problems that cannot be solved by the greedy algorithm.

Best Cow Line

n = 6
s = "ACDBCB"
t = ""
a = 0
b = n-1
while a<=b: #Until the string runs out
    left = False
    i = 0
    while a+i <= b: #Is it the same as while in terms of meaning?
        if s[a+i] < s[b-i]:
            left = True
        elif s[a + i] > s[b - i]:
            left = False
        i = i+1
    if left:
        t = t+s[a]
        a = a+1
        t = t+s[b]
        b = b-1

I was surprised to be able to compare the size of letters.

if "B">"A":

This will output yes.

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