Try to operate Facebook with Python


Try to operate facebook using Python

** Demo page **


Library used

facebook-sdk facebook-sdk is an API that operates the Facebook Graph API in Python.

easy_install facebook-sdk

bottle Python web framework. Installation is easy because it consists of only one file.

beaker Library for session management in Python

easy_install Beaker

How to operate Facebook

How to register the application

  1. Register as a developer on facebook.

** Developer registration procedure **

  1. Run [Apps]-> [Add a New App] on the developer page.


  1. Select [Website] as the application type facebook2.png

  2. Enter the application name and select Create New Facebook APP ID


  1. Select a category and enter the Create APP ID. facebook4.png

  2. If you scroll down the created page, you can enter the "Site URL", so enter it and click "Next".



The redirect_url specified in the Facebook API must be the domain name specified in this Sai. It seems that you cannot specify the IP address, so if you want to run it locally, set it to localhost.

  1. After reloading the page, you will be able to select the created application from the menu. facebook8.png

  2. When you select an app, you can see the "App ID" and "App Secret". You can use this value to authenticate and get an access token.


Get an access token

The method of obtaining an access token is shown below.

  1. Connect to oauth and get the code

end point:

** Parameters: ** client_id: app ID of facebook app redirect_url: The redirect URL after authentication. An error will occur if the domain is not set. scope: Specify permissions separated by ",".

** Example: **

Redirect URL when OK


Redirect URL in case of cancellation

  1. Connect to access_token and get access_token

end point:

** Parameters: ** client_id: app ID of facebook app client_secret: facebook app Secret redirect_url: The redirect URL after authentication. An error will occur if the domain is not set. code: Code obtained by oauth

** Example: **アプリのAppID&client_secret=facebookアプリのSecret&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Fcheck_facebook&code=oauthで取得したCode

In case of error:

   "error": {
      "message": "Error validating application. Invalid application ID.",
      "type": "OAuthException",
      "code": 101

If you can get access_token:


Access Graph API using access_token obtained here

How to use a session with Bottle + Beaker in Python

Below is a sample when bottle is operated with CGI.


from bottle import run
from application import app
from beaker.middleware import SessionMiddleware

session_opts = {
    'session.type': 'file',
    'session.data_dir': './session',
    'session.cookie_expires': True,
    '': True
appSession = SessionMiddleware(app, session_opts)
run(appSession, server='cgi')

from bottle import get, post, template, Bottle, response, request, redirect
import os

app = Bottle()

def index():
    session = request.environ.get('beaker.session')
    session['counter'] = session.get('counter', 0) + 1
    return template('<b>Hello {{name}}</b>!', name=session['counter'])

The session.data_dir file is updated each time the page is accessed. Beaker does not delete the created file, so delete it regularly with cron etc.

find /hoge/session -type f -mmin +60 -exec rm {} \;

Operation example using facebook-sdk

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import facebook
graph = facebook.GraphAPI('Obtained API')
profile = graph.get_object('facebook page ID or name')
print profile
posts = graph.get_connections(profile['id'], 'posts')
print posts


By using facebook-sdk, bottle, and Beaker, you can create applications using facebook API even in Python.

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