・ In this article, we will use the data downloaded from the household account book application Zaim. For that matter, python is used to automatically generate a report in pdf format that summarizes the income and expenses for one year from the data.
-The source code and articles are probably poorly written and not beautiful, but please forgive me.
・ I started studying python with the phrase, "If you master python, you can automate it!" However, I don't think there are many concrete examples of practical automation that are friendly to beginners. (There is a big prejudice) So, especially for beginners, I'd be happy if you could know that there are things that can be automated with python.
↓ Official homepage for the time being https://zaim.co.jp/
The household account book app that I love. (Paid members from around May 2020.) It is very convenient because you can analyze monthly income and expenses using pie charts and reserve bar graphs.
And if you become a paid member of Zaim, you can download the collected data in csv format. (I didn't know how to put the file in the Qiita article, so only the photo.)
↓ Working folder structure
Put simply, -The data file downloaded from Zaim is in the data folder. (File name: Zaim.2020.csv)
-The font_data folder contains font files for writing to pdf with python. (File name: GenShinGothic-Monospace-Medium.ttf)
-In analyze.py, first read the data file (Zaim.2020.csv) from Zaim with pandas etc. Next, use pandas, numpy, etc. to format the data, create a diagram, and output the formatted data to a new file.
-In the format_data folder, the data formatted by analyze.py is stored in csv format. (File name: diff_money.csv)
-In the graph folder, the image data created by analyze.py is stored in jpg format. (File name: in_money.jpg, out_money.jpg, money.jpg, difference_money.jpg)
-In report_pdf.py, first make detailed settings for the pdf report to be created. Next, paste the images of money.jpg and difference_money.jpg in the graph folder into the pdf. Then, from diff_money.csv in the format_data folder, read how much the balance has been in one year and write it in pdf. After that, it is output as a pdf file.
-In the report folder, the pdf data output by report_pdf.py is included as a pdf file. (File name: balance report.pdf)
↓ Source code
analyze.Import of py library and appearance of graph
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
#Format the graph
rcParams['font.family'] = 'sans-serif' #Font to use
rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro', 'Yu Gothic', 'Meirio', 'Takao', 'IPAexGothic', 'IPAPGothic', 'VL PGothic', 'Noto Sans CJK JP']
rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'in'#x-axis scale line pointing inward('in')Or outward('out')Or bidirectional('inout')
rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'in'#The y-axis scale line faces inward('in')Or outward('out')Or bidirectional('inout')
rcParams['xtick.major.width'] = 1.0#Line width of x-axis main scale line
rcParams['ytick.major.width'] = 1.0#Line width of y-axis main scale line
rcParams['font.size'] = 15 #Font size
rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 1.0#Axis line width edge linewidth. Enclosure thickness
The appearance of the graph is full of good articles, so let's get some delicious things. https://qiita.com/qsnsr123/items/325d21621cfe9e553c17
analyze.py function definition
#Transform the date into a shape that is easy to use every month
def devide_month(data):
data = np.array(data)
#Prepare a list to enter the data for each month
month_01, month_02, month_03, month_04 = list(), list(), list(), list()
month_05, month_06, month_07, month_08 = list(), list(), list(), list()
month_09, month_10, month_11, month_12 = list(), list(), list(), list()
#Get monthly date and key from data
for i in range(len(data.T[1])):
#January data month_Store in 01
if data.T[1][i] == "01":
#Date and dataframe key month_Store in 1
month_01.append([data.T[2][i], data.T[3][i]])
elif data.T[1][i] == "02":
month_02.append([data.T[2][i], data.T[3][i]])
elif data.T[1][i] == "03":
month_03.append([data.T[2][i], data.T[3][i]])
elif data.T[1][i] == "04":
month_04.append([data.T[2][i], data.T[3][i]])
elif data.T[1][i] == "05":
month_05.append([data.T[2][i], data.T[3][i]])
elif data.T[1][i] == "06":
month_06.append([data.T[2][i], data.T[3][i]])
elif data.T[1][i] == "07":
month_07.append([data.T[2][i], data.T[3][i]])
elif data.T[1][i] == "08":
month_08.append([data.T[2][i], data.T[3][i]])
elif data.T[1][i] == "09":
month_09.append([data.T[2][i], data.T[3][i]])
elif data.T[1][i] == "10":
month_10.append([data.T[2][i], data.T[3][i]])
elif data.T[1][i] == "11":
month_11.append([data.T[2][i], data.T[3][i]])
month_12.append([data.T[2][i], data.T[3][i]])
#Summarize monthly data
date_month = [ month_01, month_02, month_03, month_04,
month_05, month_06, month_07, month_08,
month_09, month_10, month_11, month_12, ]
return date_month
#Pulling a specific type of data from the dataframe
def collect_data_from_dataframe(dataframe, name, date_month):
monthly_data = list()
for i in range(len(date_month)):
#If there is data in the month, get the data from the dataframe
if date_month[i] != []:
return monthly_data
#List the total amount of monthly spending
def monthly_sum_money(money):
sum_list = list()
for i in range(len(money)):
if money[i] == None:
return sum_list
analyze.Preparation of data for py graph
#Path of data downloaded from Zaim
read_data_path = "data/Zaim.2020.csv"
#Read the data and store it in pandas.
df = pd.read_csv(read_data_path, encoding="shift-jis")
key = 0
date_2020 = list()
#Extract date data
for date in df["date"]:
#Divide dates by year, month, and day and store them in a list
date = date.split("-")
#Add a key to match the date with the original dataframe
#Add the date and key to the list
key += 1
# date_month.shape: [Moon][Moonのデータの番号][Day,key]
date_month_2020 = devide_month(date_2020)
#Keep a list of your spending by month.
out_money = collect_data_from_dataframe(df, "Spending", date_month_2020)
#Calculate the monthly total of spending and keep it in a list.
out_money_monthly = monthly_sum_money(out_money)
#Collect income by month and keep it in a list.
in_money = collect_data_from_dataframe(df, "income", date_month_2020)
#Calculate the monthly total of income and keep it in the list.
in_money_monthly = monthly_sum_money(in_money)
#Calculate the balance and keep it in list format
difference_money = (np.array(in_money_monthly) - np.array(out_money_monthly)).tolist()
Create and save graphs
#Graph save destination
save_file_path = "./graph/"
#Annual spending graph
#Since there is no data completely before March of last year, I will omit it (April to December)
plt.plot(range(4, 13), np.array(out_money_monthly[3:])/10000, color="blue", label="Spending")
plt.ylabel('Spending[Ten thousand yen]')
plt.grid(linestyle= '--')
#Settings such as axis scale spacing. In this case, the x-axis is 1 to 12 apart.
plt.xticks(np.arange(1, 13, 1))
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 21, 1))
#Save graph
plt.savefig(save_file_path + "out_money.jpg ")
#Annual income graph
plt.plot(range(4, 13), np.array(in_money_monthly[3:])/10000, color="red", label="income")
plt.ylabel('income[Ten thousand yen]')
plt.grid(linestyle= '--')
plt.xticks(np.arange(1, 13, 1))
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 21, 1))
plt.savefig(save_file_path + "in_money.jpg ")
#Annual spending and income graph
#Income is shown in red and expenditure is shown in blue
plt.plot(range(4, 13), np.array(in_money_monthly[3:])/10000, color="red", label="income")
plt.plot(range(4, 13), np.array(out_money_monthly[3:])/10000, color="blue", label="Spending")
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
plt.ylabel('Amount of money[Ten thousand yen]')
plt.grid(linestyle= '--')
plt.xticks(np.arange(1, 13, 1))
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 21, 1))
plt.savefig(save_file_path + "money.jpg ")
#Annual balance graph
#When expressing with a bar graph, I want to color-code the balance of each month by plus or minus, so I divide the data into two.
positive_money = list()
negative_money = list()
positive_x = list()
negative_x = list()
#Divide the data according to whether the difference between income and expenditure is positive or negative.
for i in range(len(difference_money)):
if difference_money[i] >= 0:
#The positive balance is expressed in red, and the negative balance is expressed in blue.
plt.bar(positive_x, np.array(positive_money)/10000, color="red", label="Balance +")
plt.bar(negative_x, np.array(negative_money)/10000, color="blue", label="Balance of payments-")
plt.legend(loc="upper right")
plt.ylabel('Balance of payments[Ten thousand yen]')
plt.grid(linestyle= '--')
plt.xticks(np.arange(1, 13, 1))
plt.yticks(np.arange(-8, 9, 1))
plt.savefig(save_file_path + "difference_money.jpg ")
#Output data to the outside for automatic creation of pdf report
format_data_path = "format_data/"
np.savetxt(format_data_path + "diff_money.csv", difference_money)
If I didn't read this article, I think I couldn't do it because I didn't know how to output (write?) To pdf. Overwhelming thanks! https://watlab-blog.com/2020/03/21/reportlab-pdf/
import numpy as np
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.units import mm
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import registerFont
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
#Register font
file_path = 'report/balance report.pdf' #Set output file name
graph_path_transition = "graph/money.jpg "
graph_path_balance = "graph/difference_money.jpg "
#Create a one-year income and expenditure report
paper = canvas.Canvas(file_path) #Prepare a blank canvas
paper.saveState() #Initialize
paper.setFont('GenShinGothic', 20) #Set font
#Set the paper size for horizontal w and vertical h
w = 210 * mm
h = 297 * mm
paper.setPageSize((w, h)) #Set the paper size
paper.drawString(w/2 - 90, h - 50, #Writing text
'1 year spending and income')
#Embed image(Image file path,Horizontal position,Vertical position,Image horizontal size,Image vertical size)
paper.drawInlineImage(graph_path_transition, 31*mm, h-130*mm, 148*mm, 111*mm)
paper.setFont('GenShinGothic', 15) #Set font
paper.drawString(w/2 - 112.5, 160*mm, 'Figure 1 Changes in income and expenditure for one year')
#Embed the second image(Image file path,Horizontal position,Vertical position,Image horizontal size,Image vertical size)
paper.drawInlineImage(graph_path_balance, 31*mm, h-250*mm, 148*mm, 111*mm)
paper.setFont('GenShinGothic', 15) #Set font
paper.drawString(w/2 - 67.5, 40*mm, 'Figure 2 One-year balance')
#Enter the result of income and expenditure
difference_money = np.loadtxt('format_data/diff_money.csv', delimiter=',') #Read the balance data
paper.setFont('GenShinGothic', 13) #Set font
paper.drawString(w/2-100, 23*mm,
f'The balance of the whole year is{int(np.sum(difference_money))}It is a circle.')
paper.drawString(w/2-100, 14 * mm,
f'That is, per month{int(np.sum(difference_money)/len(difference_money))}It is a circle.')
paper.save() #Save PDF
The result graph of executing analyze.py is in_money.jpg, out_money.jpg, money.jpg, difference_money.jpg, but two of them (in_money.jpg, out_money.jpg) are money.jpg. I will omit it because the contents are covered.
Figure 1 Changes in income and expenditure for one year (money.jpg)
Figure 2 Changes in income and expenditure for one year (difference_money.jpg)
The household account book report automatically created by report_pdf.py is as follows.
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