People who are accustomed to Android programs try multithreading with Python

If you're new to Python and usually program Java on Android, you might think, "Would you like to set up a thread, then you have to handle the message with Handler?" However, there is no Python compatible version, so I was worried for a moment. This is a memo (small story) for Python beginners.


The following is the one that was originally developed with Python2.7 and has a Python2.7 flavor. (I try to use six as much as possible)

Somehow, it is a correspondence table. (It's just a table written with a sense, and it doesn't have a deep meaning.)

Android Python Remarks
Looper None(with a while loop)
Handler Queue In Python3, queue. six.moves.Even queue is ok
notify threading.Event Android or Java


import six.moves.queue as queue
import six.moves._thread as thread
import time

def target(q):
  while True:
    print "loop"
    print q.get()
    # q.task_done() #Notifies that the task obtained immediately before is completed. Not required if you don't use join

q = queue.Queue()
thread.start_new_thread(target, (q,))

while True:
  # q.join() #With join, in the queue, for all items, task_done()Wait to be done

It's like that.


If you just want to wait, use theading.Event.

import threading
import six.moves._thread as thread
import six
import time

def target(event):
  for cnt in six.moves.range(0, 10):
    print "loop:", cnt

event = threading.Event()
thread.start_new_thread(target, (event,))
print "done"

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