Try Python output with Haxe 3.2

Python output is available from Haxe 3.2, so let's try it.


Haxe 3.2 installation

Download and install the latest version from the official Haxe Downloads (

If you are using homebrew on your Mac, you can also do the following.

$ brew install haxe --HEAD

Alternatively, refer to Building Haxe and build it yourself.

Install Python 3.x

Since there are many other articles, I will omit it. So far, Haxe seems to be able to output only Python3.

Haxe / Python tutorial

Hello World

Let's try Python output with Official Hello World.

First, create HelloWorld.hx with the following contents.


class HelloWorld {
    static public function main() {
        trace("Hello World");

Compile the above into with haxe.

$ haxe -main HelloWorld -python

The -main option is the main class, and the -python option is the file name to be output by specifying Python. See Compiler Usage for details.

Alternatively, you can also create and compile compile.hxml as shown below.


-main HelloWorld
$ haxe comple.hxml
#Haxe above-main HelloWorld -python helloworld.hello world like is output

If the compilation is successful, execute the output

$ python3
Hello World

Hello World was output safely.

In addition, output at this time was as follows.

class HelloWorld:

	def main():
		print("Hello World")


Get command line arguments

You can get the command line arguments from Sys.args.


class Main {
  static public function main():Void {
    var args = Sys.args();
    for (arg in args) {

Print a list of command line arguments with Sys.println.

$ haxe -main Main -python
$ python3 foo
$ python3 foo bar

At this time, the output had 378 lines. (long!) Probably because I started using Sys, and it contains some extras. However, it would be interesting to read the output Python.

File output

Try to output the file with



class Main {
  static public function main():Void {
    var output = File.write("output.txt");
$ haxe -main Main -python
$ python3
$ cat output.txt

When outputting a file with codecs

If you use python.lib.Codecs for file output, it will be equivalent to Python codecs.


import python.lib.Codecs;

class Main {
  static public function main():Void {
    var file ="output.txt", "w");
$ haxe -main Main -python
$ python3
$ cat output.txt

I won't write it here because it's long, but if you read the actual output, you can see that it uses

Of course, python.lib.Codecs can only be used when outputting Python, so be careful. ( can be compiled for other platforms such as C ++, PHP, neko)

Use the library with Haxe / Python

Call the Python standard library

Some of Python's standard libraries are still available, as is the case with the codecs above. From Issue # 2924, it seems that part of and all of sys.db are not implemented (will be implemented soon). You can check the available ones in the python.lib package.

Python output using Haxe library

There is a Haxe-implemented HTML parser library called HtmlParser. It's a (probably pure) Haxe implementation, so you should be able to output to any platform that Haxe supports. Yes, of course in Python!

That's why I will install and use the Haxe library.

$ haxelib install HtmlParser



import htmlparser.HtmlDocument;

class Main {
  static public function main():Void {
    var html = new HtmlDocument(File.getContent("example.html"));
    var titles = html.find(">html>head>title");

When using a library, specify the library to be used with the -lib option at compile time.

$ haxe -main Main -python -lib HtmlParser


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Title of Example</title>
$ python3
Title of Example

You can see that you can parse the HTML and get the title.

In other words, any (pure) Haxe-implemented library can be used for Python, and the same library can be used for other platforms. amazing! (Of course, there are already a number of excellent Python libraries for HTML parsers ...)


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