I've been learning Python personally these days, so I'll write an article about it. For now, let's talk about the Try Jupyter I'm using to run Python. First, click the URL below to access Try Jupyter.
Then, the following page will be displayed. Click "Try Classic Notebook".
Next, the following screen will be displayed. The environment is being built, so please wait for the screen to change.
After waiting for a while, the screen will change as shown below. Place the cursor on "File".
Then, the following menu will be displayed, Select "New Notebook"-> "Phthon 3".
A new screen like the one below will be created. You can execute the code by writing the Python code in the cell inside this screen.
First of all, the basics of the basics, but let's enter the following code.
print('Hello World')
Enter the above code in the cell as below You can run the code by pressing "Run" at the top of the page.
When executed, the execution result will be displayed as shown below.
Here's how to run Python from Try Jupyter. It is recommended because it is easy to use on the Web without having to bother to introduce a development environment. However, please note that the connection with the Web server will be cut off if a certain period of time elapses without any operation.
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