Try calling Python from Ruby with thrift



brew install thrift # thrift
gem install thrift # ruby
pip install thrift # python


Refer to

Note: Try with Python 2 first

Do it almost according to the page

definition of thrift file


# proj.thrift

namespace py demoserver
namespace rb demoserver

/* All operands are 32-bit integers called a Value */
typedef i32 Value
typedef i32 Result

/* Math service exposes an some math function */
service MyMath
  Result add( 1: Value op1, 2: Value op2 ),
  Result mul( 1: Value op1, 2: Value op2 ),
  Result min( 1: Value op1, 2: Value op2 ),
  Result max( 1: Value op1, 2: Value op2 )

Create Ruby and Python files

thrift --gen py proj.thrift
thrift --gen rb proj.thrift


Write the processing part in this


import sys


from thrift.transport import TSocket
from thrift.transport import TTransport
from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
from thrift.server import TServer
import demoserver.MyMath

class MathImpl( demoserver.MyMath.Iface ):
    def add( self, op1, op2 ):
        return op1 + op2
    def mul( self, op1, op2 ):
        return op1 * op2
    def max( self, op1, op2 ):
        return max([op1, op2])
    def min( self, op1, op2 ):
        return min([op1, op2])

if __name__ == '__main__':

    processor = demoserver.MyMath.Processor( MathImpl() )
    transport = TSocket.TServerSocket( port = 18181 )
    tbfactory = TTransport.TBufferedTransportFactory()
    pbfactory = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolFactory()

    server = TServer.TThreadedServer( processor, transport, tbfactory, pbfactory )

    print('Starting the Math Server...')


write ruby client


# Make thrift-generated code visible

require 'thrift'
require 'my_math'


    # Build up the Thrift stack
    transport ='localhost', 18181))
    protocol =
    client =

    # Try an add operation
    result = client.add( 1, 5 )
    puts result.inspect

    # Try a max operation
    result = client.max( 9, 7 )
    puts result.inspect



In the reference link

ruby client.rb
6 ## 1+5 answers
9 ##Maximum answer for 9 and 7

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