I tried using the Python library from Ruby with PyCall

The library has been updated and the usage has changed considerably. Please check the article below for a description of the new version.

[Use PyCall to defeat Python libraries from Ruby] (https://qiita.com/mix_dvd/items/d49ed4ff6553f3ace5a7)


mrkn has developed a library called PyCall, so I tried it immediately.



As of February 24, 2017, you can install it by following the steps below. Thank you, mrkn.


gem install --pre pycall

Old installation method

I will leave it as a memorandum. If you cannot install by the above procedure, please try it.

You can download the source code from GitHub.


As of February 23, 2017, it was said that it will be downloaded from the branch under development, so I got it with the following command.


git clone -b eval https://github.com/mrkn/pycall.git

From there, I had a little trouble installing Gem, but I was able to install it by following the steps below. If anyone knows a smarter way, please let me know (sweat)


#Creating a Gem file
gem build pycall/pycall.gemspec 
#Install Gem
gem install pycall-0.1.0.alpha.gem 
#For some reason, the Gem folder is empty, so delete it for the time being
rm -rf ~/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/pycall-0.1.0.alpha
#Copy the downloaded source
mv pycall ~/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/pycall-0.1.0.alpha

By the way, I installed Python with Anaconda and used it, and Ruby installed it with rbenv.

Try drawing a graph for the time being

I was able to display the graph with the following code.


require 'pycall/import'
include PyCall::Import

pyimport 'numpy', as: 'np'
pyimport 'matplotlib.mlab', as: 'mlab'
pyimport 'matplotlib.pyplot', as: 'plt'


スクリーンショット 2017-02-24 6.12.33.png

Try to display the graph in iRuby Notebook

When I run the above source code in iRuby Notebook, I can draw the graph, but the graph is displayed in a separate window as well.

Moreover, the subsequent operation is a little unstable (sweat)

This is a bit of a problem, so change it as follows.


require 'pycall/import'
include PyCall::Import

pyimport 'numpy', as: 'np'
pyimport 'matplotlib.mlab', as: 'mlab'
pyimport 'matplotlib.pyplot', as: 'plt'


#Save the graph as an image
plt.savefig.("pycall.png ")

#Load the saved graph image
open("pycall.png ")


I was able to display it inline.

Try resizing the graph

If you don't specify it, a square graph will be displayed, so change it a little.


require 'pycall/import'
include PyCall::Import

pyimport 'numpy', as: 'np'
pyimport 'matplotlib.mlab', as: 'mlab'
pyimport 'matplotlib.pyplot', as: 'plt'

plt.figure.(figsize: PyCall.tuple(8, 3))

#Save the graph as an image
plt.savefig.("pycall.png ")

#Load the saved graph image
open("pycall.png ")


did it!

Next time you want to try machine learning (^-^)

I also tried machine learning (additional note)

You can refer to the result of executing the power demand forecast from the following URL, so please have a look if you are interested.

Power demand forecast from actual power demand http://blueomega.jp/predict_kw_with_pycall.html

Power demand forecast by adding the temperature one hour ago to the actual power demand http://blueomega.jp/predict_kw_with_temp_and_pycall.html

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