I'm still touching the Mac Book Pro Retina 13 inch with a doy face in the morning. I wondered if I would do julia today as well. Earlier, I wrote in a Qiita article that Python could also be used.
[Personal memo] Try julia Web Application Framework "Morsel"
I thought I'd give it a try, so I'll give it a try. You can run Python libraries using PyCall.jl.
Let's try it out.
Execute the following command from Julia's REPL
This is OK
In the example written in README.md of PyCall.jl I am using the math library.
using PyCall
@pyimport math
math.sin(math.pi / 4) - sin(pi / 4) # returns 0.0
Try out.
using PyCall
@pyimport re
match_pattern = re.compile("Welcome to (.+\.)")
groups_of_match = pycall(match_pattern["search"], PyObject, "Welcome to underground.")["group"]
result = convert(String, pycall(groups_of_match, PyObject, 0))
match_of_group = convert(String, pycall(groups_of_match, PyObject, 1))
println("All match is [$result]")
println("Match of first regex group is [$match_of_group]")
The execution result is as follows.
This code is equivalent to the following in Python:
import re
match_pattern = re.compile("Welcome to (.+\.)")
groups_of_match = match_pattern.search("Welcome to underground.")
result = groups_of_match.group(0)
match_of_group = groups_of_match.group(1)
print("All match is [{result}]".format(result=result))
print("Match of first regex group is [{match_of_group}]".format(
Execution result
According to Reference
pycall(function::PyObject, returntype::Type, args...)
Since it is written in the format, I did the following for the trial of the regular expression library.
pycall(match_pattern["search"], PyObject, "Welcome to underground.")["group"]
PyObject returns numeric, bool, and functional types. It looks like a convenient object. (The explanation says that PyObject of C API is used)
By calling pycall as above, You can use the group that matches the regular expression and the entire string that matches.
Get the attributes of the object as described in Description of PyObject. In this case, you are calling the ** search ** method of the regular expression match object.
Convert description is written in the description of PyObject.
convert(T, o::PyObject)
In short, cast. I wanted to make it a string type of julia, so I cast the result of the regular expression (PyObject) to Julia's String type.
convert(String, pycall(groups_of_match, PyObject, 0))
I could easily cast the PyObject type to a String type.
Having PyCall seems to be one of julia's complaints. Since julia's own library number is not so large in the built-in one, I thought it was good to be able to use Python library assets ^-^
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