Check stock prices with slackbot using python

Check the stock price on slack. It's very convenient. (Here was very helpful)

スクリーンショット 2017-08-16 15.19.35.png ## 1. Make a slackbot

2. Install the python library

$ pip install slackbot
$ pip install jsm

3. Create a directory for slackbot

slackbot         #A directory that organizes programs. Any name is fine
├─        #Start the bot by running this program
├─   #File to write settings related to bot
└─ plugins                #Add bot functionality to this directory
   ├─         #A file to indicate the module. Sky is fine
   └─       #Features each file. Any name is fine
$ touch
$ mkdir plugins
$ cd plugins
$ touch

4. Create a script

# coding: utf-8

from import Bot

def main():
    bot = Bot()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print('start slackbot')

# coding: utf-8

#Specify token for bot account
API_TOKEN = "xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

#Response string when a message addressed to this bot does not apply to any response
DEFAULT_REPLY = "Ah, ah ..."

#List of subdirectory names where plugin scripts are located
PLUGINS = ['plugins']

# coding: utf-8

from import respond_to     # @botname:Decoder that reacts with
from import listen_to      #Decoder that responds to in-channel remarks
from import default_reply  #Decoder that reacts when there is no corresponding response

# @respond_to('string')Message to bot
#string can be a regular expression "r'string'」
# @listen_to('string')Posts other than to bots in the channel
#                           @botname:Note that it does not react
#React when mentioning to others
#Regular expression possible
# @default_reply()          DEFAULT_Same function as REPLY
#If you specify a regular expression, it will not hit other decoders,
#Reacts when matching a regular expression
#... But is it an error if I specify a regular expression?

# message.reply('string')   @Speaker name:Send message with string
# message.send('string')Send string
# message.react('icon_emoji')Reaction to the speaker's message(stamp)To do
#In the string':'I don't need
@respond_to('good job')
def mention_func(message):
    message.reply('It's Otsu') #Mention

def listen_func(message):
    message.send('python shuki')      #Just a post

def listen_func(message):
    message.send('mac is good ~')      #Just a post

def listen_func(message):
    message.send('I hate windows')      #Just a post

def listen_func(message):
    import jsm
    q = jsm.Quotes()
    price = q.get_price(5801).close # furukawa
    message.send("The stock price is"+str(price)+"It's a circle")

@respond_to('Stock price')
def listen_func(message):
    import jsm
    q = jsm.Quotes()
    price = q.get_price(5801).close
    message.send("Furukawa Electric{0} ({1})".format(price, price-2990))
    price = q.get_price(3382).close
    message.send("7&iHD {0} ({1})".format(price, price-4450))
    price = q.get_price(5401).close
    message.send("Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal{0} ({1})".format(price, price-2633))
    price = q.get_price(6643).close
    message.send("Togami Electric{0} ({1})".format(price, price-459))
    price = q.get_price(7203).close
    message.send("Toyota own{0} ({1})".format(price, price-6239))
    price = q.get_price(8306).close
    message.send("Mitsubishi UFJ{0} ({1:.1f})".format(price, price-702.4))
    price = q.get_price(9022).close
    message.send("JR Central{0} ({1})".format(price, price-17781))
    price = q.get_price(9437).close
    message.send("NTT DoCoMo{0} ({1:.1f})".format(price, price-2600))
    price = q.get_price(9613).close
    message.send("NTT DATA{0} ({1})".format(price, price-1215))
    price = q.get_price(9501).close
    message.send("TEPCO{0} ({1})".format(price, price-472))

The current stock price and the value compared with the acquisition unit price are displayed.

5. Run

$ python
スクリーンショット 2017-08-16 15.26.21.png スクリーンショット 2017-08-16 15.26.33.png

(Addition) Run slackbot as a daemon on Raspberry Pi

(mac)$ ssh [email protected]

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ pip3 install slackbot
$ pip3 install jsm
$ git clone
$ cd slackbot/
$ ls  plugins
$ nano #Rewrite API key
$ nohup python3 &
$ exit

See previous article for nohup

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